A World that they lived in..

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A/N: This chapter's main purpose is to explain the different history of the world in general which led to a less-isolated North Korea and soon, the remilitarization of Japan under US support as the reaction, beginning in the 1980s, the final decade of the Cold War. If you want this chapter to be expanded more, please write it on the comment section, Arigatou!

Watari's house, somewhere in Tokyo, 25th May 2018

At 4.00 PM. Watari is currently in his room, studying history for the tomorrow school exit exam, along with Tsubaki, his girlfriend. This is another study and date session for the couple.

"For me and her, I must do this well!" Watari said inside his heart. Both Tsubaki and Watari began to read their books.

"The 1980s saw global recession which greatly affected both the developing, and developed world. The United States and Japan went out from the recession early, while other OECD countries like the United Kingdom, continued to grapple with high unemployment until the second half of the decade. One of it's other consequences are rejuvenation of democracy movement in Asia."

"On 25 February 1986, the President of Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, was toppled in the People Power Revolution. Later. Soeharto from Indonesia was toppled in a sudden military coup one week after the EDSA Revolution, with the interim government led by former Governor of Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, began the transition of Indonesia to democracy and a UN-backed negotiation about the fate of East Timor, occupied by Indonesia in 1977, which later emerge as an independent nation in 1989. 

"A year later, in 1987, the EDSA effect soon influenced the negotiation for the end of military governments in South Korea and Taiwan. On the other hand, South Korea, oil-producing Middle East countries, both Soviet-aligned such as Syria, Iraq, Algeria, and Western-aligned which are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman,  and Kuwait, along with the newly rising China, with it's cheap and abundant household manufactured products and Western recognitions, enjoyed economic boom in this era"

"In the other side of the Iron Curtain, the era saw the Soviet war in Afghanistan, started in December 25th, 1979 and ended in February 15th, 1989, which widely condemned by the international community and mocked as "Soviet Union's Vietnam War" , which influenced the rising discontent in Baltic States and Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, one of the main event was the martial law invocation in Poland. In addition to Afghanistan, in 1986 one of the reactors in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, in the Ukrainian SSR, suffered a meltdown due to inadequate safety standards, spreading radiations across the European continent, rendered 50.000 Soviets displaced, and one city nearby, Pripyat, has to be abandoned and declared as an exclusion zone, which are still for this day. The disaster was another impetus to the Mikhail Gorbachev's program of Glasnost (openness), and Perestroika (restructuring), which administration was inaugurated in March 1985. Gorbachev also began rapprochement with the West and several summit meetings were held with it's US counterpart, President Ronald Reagan, in Geneva, Valetta, London, Washington, Reykjavik, Helsinki, Paris, and Madrid, ushering the gradual defusion of Cold War tension."

"Soon, however, Gorbachev's reforms spiraled out of control and resulted in rising discontent and ethnic clashes between nationalities in the Union and later, in 1989, Revolutions in Eastern Europe that toppled Soviet-installed communist governments there, including the Die Wende in East Germany which outcome saw the Berlin Wall torn down, and the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife in Romania. Other communist nations began to adapt in the changing economic reality in the mid to late 1980s, such as Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea, including lessening restriction of small and medium scale businesses and permission of state companies to conduct foreign trade and accepting investments from non-government domestic sources, effectively no longer isolating themselves from the world market in general and resulted in the relative avoidance of famine and starvation in those countries after the end of Soviet aid."  

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