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I look down at the short, snow-tipped grass. War is going to break out any day now, and when it does I know Mandalore is going to fight until the very end. Bo-Katan will lead our army strongly to battle. She will fight to free the last bit of life our planet, Mandalore still has. The Empire destroyed most of our planet long ago, and I will not let it happen again.
    I slowly breathe in and out as I feel the breeze cover my face and make me shiver. It was peaceful until, or course, I heard a strange noise.
Snap! A stick behind me broke. I spring to action. I try to grab a pistol from my weapon belt, but by the time I do I am on the ground with Ky towering over me.
        "Ky!" I let out with a heavy breath. Ky smiled and then helped me up.
       "I finally caught you off guard!" He says, seemingly out of breath as well.                                       "If that stick hadn't broke it would have been   perfect." I snap back, laughing.
"But wait how did you get here? You aren't supposed to be here?" I ask, pulling my cold arms to my chest, sheltering my freezing hands in my under-arms.
"I got in from the woods. It was quite easy actually." He said looking back towards the piney woodlands, I know too well.
"That's not good." My heart beat quickens and my anxiety increases. "That means the Empire can strike at any time." I say
"You mean first order, and come on. Why can't you get your mind off the war?"
"Why aren't you so worried about the war? Mandatory isn't ready to fight another war!" I start to yell, but Ky raises his hands in surrender.
          Ky Leinajo, the boy I know more of than anyone. The boy I met when he was consumed with anger and confusion due to the news of his orphan-hood. He had lost his parents to an unknown- for now- reason.
"Bo-Katan is leading the fight. She is the fiercest and strongest leader Mandalore has had in centuries. We will win."
          "But what if we don't?" I sigh, dragging my hands to my scalp and through my styled brunette hair. Ky grabs my hand.
           "Have hope. We will. I know we will. Now cheer up. Let's go train." I nod and let him guide me to the training room.
           We continue to walk to the training room. We enter the labyrinth and into the training room. I press the control panel letting me in, but someone grabs my arm. I gasp.  
             "Sumya! Ky!" says Tieyan my sister. She stops us in our tracks. "What are you two doing?"
            "Going to train." I answer, simply.
               "You know Ky isn't supposed to be here, right?" Tieyan says. She's right, but I don't back down. Ky is supposed to be with his Clan, Clan Ursan. Our clans aren't the most friendly.
                "Yes but-" I stop, interrupted.
                "No! Do you ever listen? Just follow me." She groans.
                 I follow Tieyan to an unknown fate as I decide whether or not to run. My heart plummets in my stomach. I'm in trouble again. Great.
              A while after, Ky asks abruptly, "Where are we going?"
            "I'm getting you guys out of trouble!" Tieyan answers. Ky and I exchange glances.   
        "What?" I ask.
          "I'm helping you out! Now, shh." She whisper-yells. I stay quiet. Tieyan is my sister. She is only a little bit younger than me. Minutes younger. We're twins. Normally, when she catches us she stops us from causing any trouble and then sends Ky where he is supposed to be. This is awfully unusual for Tieyan. What was she planning on doing?
"We're almost there." She says
Ky rolls his eyes and shrugs.
"Tieyan, why can't you just let us train?" I groan, screeching to an abrupt stop behind Tieyan.
"No!" Tieyan spoke in a whisper yell.
"Tieyan war will be he-" I started.
"Sumya, Stop! Just listen to me!"
We turn a corner and enter a room. "Happy birthday, Sumya Wren!" I smile and laugh at my sister.
         "Happy birthday to you too." Then at my words Tieyan turns to reveal mandalorian armor, expertly painted with a vivid purple star bird and decorated with gold and purple stripes. I embrace Tieyan and turn to Ky, and thank him, but a feeling rushes through my body and I fall unconscious, with the worried look of Ky as my last thought.


BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now