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Kylo stared out of the large window of the bridge of the ship. He was ready to give orders to anyone who needed any.
       "Commander Hux!" He called. His voice deep, from his mechanical mask.
      "I'm here, sir." He answered, approaching him slowly with his fingers pressed to his forehead in a respectful and salute manner.            
      "Lower this Star Destroyer to the surface." Kylo said.
     "Yes, sir." The commander muttered, for he hated Lord Ren with every inch of his body. Then he ended his salute with a swift move of his hand, from his forehead to his side. Shortly after, Commander Hux, walked away and started ordering troopers to work. Kylo Ren's plan was going as expected.

ALORA FETT (Third Person)
"What about Sumya?" Beatriz asked worried.
       "She'll be fine." Alora answered, mostly for her sake.
       "What about Ky?" Lillia asked, skeptically.
      "He's got Sumya." Alora laughed breathlessly, trying to hide the fact that she was worried for Sumya and Ky. She messed with the controls for a little bit more and the whole base was put on lock down. With red alarms blaring, the small squad exited the room, meanwhile Sumya and Ky returned.

"They're on lock down. We can't get in." I say defeated. I tried opening the panel by pressing one of the override buttons. A small pad came up. Alora appeared.
      "I'm opening the door for you and Ky." She said.
       "Sumya! Ky!" Beatriz said breathlessly.        
        "Alora told us you'd be alright." Lillia said with a relieved smile. I returned it.
       The automatic door swung open. I grabbed Ky's hand and we ran faster than anticipated, until we reached Lillia, Alora and Beatriz.
         "Where's Tieyan?" I yell. Everyone's expressions panicked. I panicked. I ran out of the security room, through the hallways, and into the training room. She wasn't there. Then I ran into her quarters, my feet echoing off the opposing walls. I saw her. She was injured, and tied to a chair. Her eyes tired and strained when I turned on the lights. Her voice was muffled due to the rope pulled around her face and into her mouth.
       I untied the rope and yelled, "Who could have done this?" I realized that I hadn't change. I was still in my black and white dress. It was partially brown due to the stormtroopers in the woods. It's ends were muddy, but it was nothing I couldn't fix.
Once Tieyan was able to stand or talk, she said, "The guard tied me up. This is a trap! He escaped after the base went on lock down. He called someone, and whoever he called is after you!" She said with a heavy breath. I sensed a dark presence that made me furious. Tieyan's eyes widened. I saw fear and sadness. "Look under the mat." I heard someone say inside me. I obeyed. The darksaber was hidden under her mat; Tieyan must have hidden it there. How did she know? I grabbed it and faced Kylo Ren for the second time. This time I didn't know if I would have mercy on him or not. I decided not to think about it.
I swung with all my might. He deflected it. Tieyan stood up and grabbed her gun. Kylo noticed immediately, and force chocked Tieyan. Anger rushed through me. I broke off part of the wall with the force and threw it at Kylo. He fell to the ground unconscious. I held up the darksaber, ready to kill.
           "NO!" Ky called suddenly in the hall. I dropped the darksaber and looked at my hands. I stood up and asked myself, "What happened to me?" Then I thought about Tieyan. I bent over and grabbed the darksaber.
          "Tieyan." I saY running to her injured side.
           She rubbed her head. "What happened?" She looked at the unconscious figure on the ground.
         "I'm glad you didn't kill him." She said offering a small but relieved smile.
        "Me too." Lillia said entering the room.    
         "Woah." Beatriz said. She had a strange weapon connected to a back connecter.
         "Is that a laser resistant axe?" I asked excitedly.      
         "Yes!" She responded.
          "How-how'd you get it? I haven't seen anything like it." I ask, curious.
        "I made it." She answered simply.    
        "Impressive." I say, but then realize the task at hand. "But we have no time for this." I point to Kylo. Tieyan, Ky and I start to drag him away to the prisons. "Sumya, Tieyan and I can take care of this. Go win this war." Ky says nodding to Lillia and Beatriz. I smile, he returned it.
         We ran out of the building to a massive, destructive war. Our side rejoiced.
         "Wren!" They called. Beatriz padded me on the back, as I ignited the darksaber. I charged with a battle cry as I took on soldier by soldier.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now