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             Beatriz came back in the nick of time. The long negotiations had ended and we were ready to leave. Beatriz joined the crowd.
             "What I miss?" She asked.
              "An amazing win on our part." I smiled.
               "Yup!" Lillia answered.
                 "Did you blow it up?" Beatriz asks.
                  "I wish!" I answer.
                   "No." Lillia says.
                  "Can we blow it up when we are safe in the ship?" I ask.
                   "Absolutely not." She answers.
                  "Awwww..." Beatriz and I answer in unison, and then we decide to enter the ship with the General. We walk up the ramp and Beatriz walks right to the cockpit and takes the drivers spot. Lillia takes the co-pilot. They normally take turns or race to see who gets what. I always stick with the turret, only when we need it. I sit right behind Beatriz with Leia next to me. Once we break the atmosphere we encounter a huge blockade of imperial ships.
                  "They knew we were coming..." Lillia mumbles.
                  "Blasted!" I yell irritated. "They're everywhere!"
                   "I'm with you on that one." Beatriz says, as she messes with a few controls.
                   "Why don't you blast off into hyperspace?" Leia asks.
                   "Well..." Lillia starts, casting a worried glance at Beatriz.
                     "We're out of fuel." I realize finishing the sentence for her. Blasted. I whisper under my breath as the star-destroyers start to take shots, and deploy tie-fighters.
                     "I've got this!" I say  as I head to the turret, my usual position. Beatriz starts flying at a faster pace than normal, and the normal is quite fast. I fly into the wall of the hall and yell in an aggravated tone.
                   "Sorry!" Beatriz yelled from the cockpit.
                    I smile but turn and run to the turret at full speed. I grabbed the handle bars and pushed the red button and an explosion of red and orange come into view. I smile at the sight, but my success comes to an end when our ship shook from side to side and then the turret was disabled.
                   "Beatriz! What's going on up there?" I asked worried and angry. I liked blowing things up.
                   "Ummm... We've got it all under contro- " then an explosion hit cutting off Beatriz's response. The ship was heavily damaged. Smoke filled the ship. I made my way to the cockpit, coughing and almost tripping with every step. Once I made it there, everyone was knocked out from the impact the explosive gave.
                      "Seriously! Today is just not  my day." I say. Beatriz and Lillia recovered quickly. I started to drag Leia and bandage her up. She then woke up.
                    "Take the escape pods." She says tiredly.
                    "Your going to the escape pod first. Then we will go into a different one!" I answered, yelling over all of the ruckus. She nodded and understood. I sat her up in the pod and started to walk out when she managed to say, "May the force be with you." 
            "And with you." I say and shut the door. I watched her pod depart.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now