A Reward Worth Millions

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I rewarded our soldiers with rest and a large celebration in their honor. They rejoiced. I made my way to Tieyan, Ky, and Alora. They had escaped the war untouched. I let out a heavy sigh of relief. I also decided to put them all in charge meanwhile I was on missions. I would never had expected this four weeks ago. A lot has changed, and I'm still only fourteen.
"Sumya!" Someone called. I stopped going towards my friends and turned around. I saw my father. I haven't seen him in several years. My eyes filled up with tears that I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.
           "Fa-Father!" I stammered. I ran to him and embraced him. "I didn't think I would ever see you again."
          I looked up at my fathers blue eyes that were now also filled with an ocean of tears.          
        "I'm so proud of you and Tieyan." He pulled me into another tight embrace. "Where's Tieyan?" He asked me, pulling away slightly and rubbed his nose. His voice was stuttered from the reunion. He let me go and I point to a small group of girls. Most of them I knew. Tieyan departs meeting my gaze and then our father's. Her eyes widen and she runs to him. Faster than I've ever seen her run. Father pulls her in for a tight hug.
After a while of catching up and long stories including our father's disappearance, my father beckoned us behind a large boulder and revealed a large loth wolf.
          It whispered, "Sleep." To Tieyan and with that, she passed out. I looked shocked but my father reassured me with a knowing glance and told me he would explain later. I continued my attention to the wolf again. I smile and embrace the large, familiar loth wolf. A small loth cat crawls up its back and perches on its head.
        "White!" I call as she jumps into my arms. "Thank you, Kannan." I say as the wolf bows and then drifts away into multiple pieces of dust. I hugged my father once more cradling White in my arms. I rubbed my nose against the cat's soft fur.
           "I haven't seen you in forever!" I remarked, as Tieyan wakes up.
             "Wha-What happened?" She stammers, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her palms.
            "You passed out." I say simply. She rolled her eyes. "Thanks for stating the obvious!" I laughed.
            "Sumya after your mission, or before your mission, preferably, I would like to start your Jedi training with Ahsoka." My father said. I turned my attention to him.
             "Okay." I say then pause. "Wait, what mission?"

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now