A Mission?

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        I looked solemnly back at the aftermath, the war created, before my father brought Lillia and Beatriz over. They were the ones going with me on the mission. Once they reached me, Beatriz patted me on the back. "It was for the greater good." I forced a smile. I knew that it was for the greater good, but our planet is even more destroyed. I feel like we lost even though we rid ourselves of the First Order, hopefully entirely.
          I nodded and decided to listen to the plan.  "Okay, I haven't told Beatriz the plan either so, Bea, try to listen." Lillia says jokingly. Beatriz focuses off her baby nexu, Ash, and and then to Lillia.
         "Sorry." She said more to her pet then to Lillia. Ash snickered and leaped away in graceful paces, probably to prank someone or cause trouble, but instead played with White. Then I tuned into the plan.
           "Okay so we will plan a course to Endor for a 'political mission.'" She said with her fingers imitating quotation marks.  "General Leia will be negotiating with the Imperial smugglers while we steal some of the T-80's that they are smuggling. Now, Sumya, Beatriz, these weapons are very dangerous-"
         "I know they can blow a whole tank down in one shot. Be fast and careful so the Imperials don't get away with them." I interrupted.
        "Yes, but I was also going to add, try not to blow each other up." She said. I laughed at the obvious joke.
        "Aw, man!" Beatriz played along, groaning playfully. I punched her lightly and then continued to listen to Lillia.
        "So, General Leia will enter here, meanwhile you two enter here," She pointed to each position to explain thoroughly, "and go around back and steal the T-80's." Lillia looked up and I nodded. It was a pretty thorough plan, but we needed a back-up.
        "What if we get caught? Plan-B?" I ask.
       "Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you. Before you grab the T-80's you will surround the wall with explosives. If they come near you blow it up. Then nobody will have the guns." Lillia nodded to me and I smiled.
     "Can't wait." I said but Lillia added, "You only blow the wall if it is needed, okay?" She says, jokingly, but firmly.
     "Okay..." I said frowning, falsely. Beatriz continued to go over the plan in her head. I watched her stare at the hologram on the table. She met my gaze but I quickly looked away realizing I read her thoughts, another power that I didn't know I had before.
                                  • • •
          After the briefing, I decided to meditate. During the meditation, I had a dream or a vision of some kind. I was in what looked like my armor, but it was different. It had the  Rebel Alliance symbol instead of a star bird, and it was blue and green, instead of purple. I was in the middle of a brutal showdown with a hooded dark figure. I felt their dark presence radiating in waves. I was fighting for my life. My muscles aching, demanding rest, but I couldn't. Until at last I was impaled by a strange blade. A lightsaber. An axe. Beatriz's axe, but I couldn't have been her, could it? I couldn't see the color because the sword was soon sheathed, and my sore, pained body fell to the ground. My body bled profusely. Then, I looked at the gaping hole in my stomach. Fear spread clear on my face. I was dying. I couldn't look any further. I woke up tired and scared for my life...

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now