Ky's Trial

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      I woke up in my cold cell, only knowing that I was truly alone. My trial was today and Sumya may be dead. I have officially lost everything I loved and cared for, in less than a week. It would be a miracle if I survived this.  The guard interrupted my thoughts.
"Get up. It's time for your trial."

        "Come on, come on." I say out loud, frustrated from how little time I have. I needed to get to Mandalore as soon as possible. I hoped with all my heart that Ky was alive.
Finally I started the landing cycle. Once the ship landed, I bolted to the crowd trust had gathered due to Ky's trial.
"Wait! Wait!" I yelled. Alora turned. "Ky is innocent!" I said with a heavy breath from the running and unbearable tension. I walked through the crowd, and stood in front of everyone. "Kylo Ren, of the First Order, sent an assassin to kill Bo-Katan." I said. I had figured that out by listening to stormtrooper gossip. As I said it, one of Bo-Katan's guards ran for the forest, but didn't get far. Alora stunned him and he fell to the ground. Guards ran over and cuffed the guard, while others unrestrained Ky. I ran to him and hugged him. I planted a small kiss to Ky's lips. I smiled. I was happy to be home. "Time to celebrate!" I yelled realizing a crowd was still gathered. I pulled away from Ky. Everyone cheered, and dispatched. I went back to Ky. I rubbed my hand through his hair and smiled. He had just buzzed it recently. I hugged him and then told him I was going to see Alora. "Oooooooo!" She said. "I knew it!" She squealed. "Oh. I almost forgot. I have some business people who need to talk to you." She said.
  "Okay. Sure!" I answered.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now