A Tired, Unexpected Morning

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"Sumya! Sumya!" Ky said, gently rubbing my back. I gently opened my eyes. Ky never wakes me up. Normally Tieyan does. I smile gently. "Good morning!" Ky says smiling back. We both got back to our quarters late due to the celebration last night. I slowly sat up.   
     "What time is it?" I asked. "9:30 A.M. on the dot." Ky answered back.
     "Oh, it's not that late yet. Well for me it's not." I say.
    "That's why I woke you. Would you like to go out? " He asked hopefully. I smiled and answered, "Absolutely." I slowly stood up realizing that I slept in my new armor, again. "Hey, Ky." I say. "I think I am gonna' take a shower and get changed, okay?"
    "Perfect! I think I'll do the same." He nodded and left my quarters and probably entered his.
After I took a shower, I looked through my closet for something nice to wear, other than the casual t-shirt I had put on, but found nothing. All I had, that fit me, was my new and old armor. Suddenly I sensed someone in the hall presumably, going to enter my quarters. Then, I started looking through my closet again. Shortly after, Alora knocked on my door. "Come in!" I say.
          "Need something to wear?" She asked.
          "How'd you know?" I asked surprised at the fact that she may have read my mind.
         "I know the look. I also overheard Ky talking to himself about some date. I knew it was you." She answered with a laugh.
         "You know me too well." I say to my friend.
         She smiles. "Here, I have something you might like." She said as she walked out of my quarters. She came back only seconds later with a dress in her hands. It looked like my size. The dress had a white top, with a connected black skirt. On the sides were silver little symbols. I stared at them closely.
       "Are these Rebel symbols?" I asked skeptically.
      "Yes, but don't worry about it. Have fun!" Alora said as she walked out. I quickly got changed and then left my quarters to knock on Ky's.
      "Where are we going?" I asked.
      "I'm taking you somewhere special." He called back. I heard him walk towards the door. I backed away about two feet. He opened the door and said, "Woah. You look great!" He said. I blushed and then said, " You too." He grabbed my hand softly and then lead me outside. Ky wore a black and white suit with a tint of silver. "Oh, Alora. You're the best." I thought smiling and nodding my head.
Ky walked my through the woods. Thankfully, he walked past the campsite where I picked up my old blaster pistol. He continued to hold my hand until he had lead me to where he had thought of bringing me.

Kylo had just gotten back from a long meeting. They were planning on attacking Mandalore, but Kylo had something else planned. He planned on destroying Mandalore and Sumya Wren, once and for all.


BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now