Surprise Attack

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Ky's secret place was set up in a thick tree. He had made a big tree house. It looked great. I smiled.
        "After you, m'lady." He said.
         "Don't ever call me that again!" I say teasingly and with a laugh. He put his hands up in surrender. I walked up the spiral staircase he had made. I entered the small wooden door and into the interior of the tree house. There were candles lighting the room. I could see the walls and the floor. There were pretty carvings on each of them. The room smelled of sweet smells due to the many burning candles in the room. He had set up a blanket with a large woven basket over top. There were sandwiches, salads of all kinds and lastly my favorite danishes.
        "Ky!" I exclaim, as we sit down to eat. "How did you manage this?" I ask.
      "I know a person, but besides that, let's dig in!" He says. I smile yet again.
      "By the way, happy fifteenth birthday, Ky Leinajo." I say while handing him a gift. He opened it to see brand new armor. It was the strongest one you could get. I also spray painted it myself. It was black with his special symbol in green. His symbol was like the starbird but it was not a bird but a bear. The bear represented his clan, Clan Ursan.
        "Thank you!" He said overjoyed.
        After that we dug into our food, talked about old stories, and laughed.

      "Send squads 717-A and 717-B." KYLO Ren spoke to one of his commanders. "Yes, sir!" The commander said. "I am sending the Star Destroyer, Constructor, down to the surface." Said the general of Constructor, through his com link. "Continue the plan. I will be right back." Kylo said to the second-in-command. The soldier saluted and took charge.
         Kylo walked out of the control room and then into the briefing room. He bowed as a large, disfigured hologram of a figure popped up. It was Grand Leader Snoke, his master...

         "Alora, have you seen Sumya?" Beatriz asked. Lillia was behind her.
        "I have." I answer. "Why?"
        "We were just curious." Lillia answered. Tieyan stood silently next to me, for she knew exactly where she was. I had to tell her. She was bugging me anyway. I continued my job as lookout. I stared at the monitors. Tieyan leaned on the top of the office chair.
      "She went out with Ky. I don't know where though." I say. I lied about the second part only for Sumya. I could tell they were smiling anyway even though I didn't turn around.
        After a few silent moments of my work, a flashing red caution alarm blared on one of the monitors. "Blasted!" I yell. Beatriz and Lillia ran back over behind me from the back wall where the lazily slouched. Tieyan was already there. "They've found us."

      I smiled. We had laughed for at least an hour, but the moment was long over. We had to go at some point or we would have a search party on us. "I think we should go." I say.
      "I agree. Wait! Get down!"  She says in a whisper yell, pulling me down. A small squad of stormtroopers run right beneath us. I took Sumya's pistol and shot two down, while they were facing the other way.
     "Hey!" One of them said. Sumya took one of my pistols and shot four others leaving only the one soldier.
     "Where are you?" He yelled in fear.
     "I've got this." She whispered with a smirk. She pounced off the tree, using the force to withstand the fall, and punched the last soldier. I knocked off his helmet and his gun fell out of his hand.
      "Where are the others?" She yelled as I finally made my way down the stairs. I jumped the last ten. I put my arm on her shoulder. She sure was intimidating.
     "On the other side of Crowsnest." The soldier said while holding his nose. He tried reaching for his gun. It was an E-11 by the looks of it. All of the stormtroopers' guns are normally E-11's.
     "Don't you dare!" I say. The soldier grabbed his gun but before he could cause any more damage Sumya shot him. She paused. "There are more coming. Let's move."


BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now