Training/The Truth

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       I must have meditated for the rest of the night because I awoke to the sun glistening through my window. I looked down at my some-what muddy dress and decided I needed to change, but there was an abrupt knock on the door.
      I arose from the mat I was on and answered the door. I opened the door to reveal my father and Ahsoka.
       "Hello?" I asked, confused to why they were there.
        "We are here to start your training." My father informed. I again stared at my clothes. Dirty and muddy. The what used to be black and white dress was now all brown.
           "Oh, okay." I responded with a yawn. I nodded to Ahsoka and then continued. "Hold on. I need to get ready." My father nodded and left with Ahsoka trailing close behind. I shut the door and showered. I dressed myself in a black sleeveless shirt and black leggings. My hair was ratted and knotty. I attempted to brush through it, gritting my teeth with every stroke. Then I redid my hair. I tried something different. I didn't completely pull out all of my hair to create a ponytail, instead I left it half way there, creating a bun. I took the ends of my hair, that were colored, and let them shift to the left side of the bun. I smiled at the creation of a new hairstyle and made my way towards Ahsoka and my father.
            They greeted me with teethy smiles. I returned them and them started towards the training room, where I will be  given many tasks.
              "During these obstacles, that we will assign you, you will be a custom to soreness, and long battles." My father said, firmly. I laughed, but was definitely not the most excited.
                                 • • •
            My father started to teach me the basics, which included stances and basic punches. Then we got into moves with sticks and soon enough I was fighting with the darksaber.  It was quite hard to focus when I knew that another war on Mandalore is bound.
              "Sumya, focus!" My father continued to say, constantly.
               "I am!" I yell frustrated, finally swinging my sword strongly, against his. Sweat beaded down my fore head and neck down my shirt. Ahsoka stood silently about twenty feet away, studying my every move.
              "Good." She said every so often. I smiled at the praise and pushed myself further, but lost footing and tripped.
                "Don't get cocky!" I heard my father say. I frowned at my defeat but knew I still had a lot to learn. "This is all for today. I will see you tomorrow for another training session, but for now get good rest." My father states, then he got up and walked out. I followed but was interrupted by Ahsoka.
                  "Are you okay? You seemed awfully unfocused today." I hesitated. Then I let my shoulders slump and gave up.
               "You're right. I'm not okay." I state bluntly.
                "What happened?" She asked. She probably read my thoughts and understood what was going on but I told her anyway.
               "I had a dream, a bad dream or vision, thing." I say. Ahsoka's eyes were trained on me, allowing me to continue.
                 "I was in it, at least that's what I think. I was fighting a dark figure. It- its presence made everything and everyone, around him, cold and despondent. It was the hardest fight I've ever fought. I ended up losing my energy and left my stomach carelessly vulnerable and then- then I died..." I stammered, shocked with fear. I met Ahsoka's gaze. She studied my eyes, probably sensing my fear.
                "I had a vision too. When I was younger, and then just last night." She said. "I- I had almost the same one." She said. "Did he ask you anything?" She asked. I shook my head no. She looked puzzled but unafraid.   
               "How are you not afraid?" I asked.
              "I am." She said, and at her words, the room fell silent....

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now