Author's Note!

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Dear Readers,
My gratitude to you all! You guys are AMAZING!! Thank you so much for 1000 reads! You guys are the best and I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!! I know it does not seem to be a lot compared to other books, but I am still SOO thankful for you guys and what I have. I can't believe how much my writing has changed and transformed, and I blame it all on you! {In a good way of course! :) }
Anyway, you probably don't want to read all of this babbling that I could probably continue for ages, so I'll make it short. Please read "A New Beginning BEYOND THE GALAXY: BOOK TWO" It is of course the second book in the series that I think you will enjoy it. Then read "The Final Battle," (the third book) And if you want please read my other books, "Fulcrum" and "August 18." Fulcrum is a Star Wars fan fic of Ahsoka Tano and Sabine's journey to find Ezra, and some background on Sumya and Tieyan. August 18 is a realistic fiction book about a girl named Kiana. Enjoy!! Love you all!
-With gratitude,

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now