The Pirates Episode

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         We were in the trees when the pirates came. They wore dark suits, clearly black, with masks of the same color. I had the darksaber hanging on my belt.
         "Please don't get caught. Please don't get caught!" I think. Sweat beaded my forehead. I was scared. I knew that Ky was, too. He doesn't hide his emotions very well, plus, I could sense his feelings due to my newly discovered power. Ky and I were up hidden on the thin branches of the tallest tree. All of the trees were not very thick. We were stupid. We should have just hid and ran. Whoops. This is exactly why I can't lead an army. Again I thought, "Please don't get caught." And then pleaded."Please don't snap branch!"
          Ky took my hand as if he had just heard my thoughts. I was pretty sure my heart skipped a beat or two. I looked at him and then at my shivering hand held steady in his. I was probably blushing. My face had to be red by now. But the thoughts vanished as soon as they came. My branch snapped and I slowly plummeted to the rough surface of the ground. I screamed as I fell. It seemed slow at first. A branch scratched across my face under my eye. I then hit my back on a branch and it knocked the wind out of me. I couldn't scream anymore.
           As I hit the rough, course surface of the ground, everything went black.

                  I watched as Sumya fell to the ground. The bandits whipped around as they heard the snap.
                 "No!" I screamed, with a shaky voice. I had to save her. I quickly climbed down and ran to her. A cut on her head, right underneath her right eye, was cut and was bleeding a lot. It was going to create a scar. Her brunet and purple hair covered most of her face. I grabbed one of her pistols and pointed it at one of the bandits. I ran my finger around the trigger. I wanted to hit it, but that is not how I am. I reluctantly drop the gun. One of the bandits laughed, the others smirked.
                "Good choice." The biggest one said. I said nothing. I was not going to give into anger for their enjoyment. Sumya was picked roughly up and cuffed. I was cuffed as well. They threw Sumya on one of their speeders. That was the last thing I saw before I was knocked out from behind.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now