Mission Successful

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        I knew Sumya would come back. She is ready for whatever will be thrown at her, but that still doesn't stop the flooding thoughts of what could possibly happen. They could crash, and could die. They could accidentally get caught and then executed for treason.
        A knock on the door ended my thoughts and worries. Sumya's lone pistol from the camp felt cold in my hands. It was a gift. She has my pistol and I have hers.
       "Come in." I said with a gentle sigh. The door calmly slid open and Alora stuck her head in.
       "How are you feeling? You know she's 'gonna be okay, right?" I nodded. Alora responded in a knowing look and sat down next to me on my bedside. I continued to stare at the pistol and didn't raise my head to meet Alora's stare. She saw my fear for Sumya in my eyes and rubbed my shoulders. Then she gestured out the door.
       "Let's go outside." She said, as she stood up. She beckoned me out the door and I reluctantly left without a word.

           Kylo sensed a disturbance in the force. The plans are out of reach, again and Kylo knew there are many issues to come. One being a mysterious girl from my visions. It may also be either Lillia or Sumya, but Kylo dismissed the thought.
          Two troopers knocked at his quarter doors, and informed him that Snoke requested  his presence.  Kylo made his way down the halls. Anger raging through him, for he knew what was going to happen during his visit with Snoke. Kylo looked down, until he accidentally ran into his sister, Beatriz. Kylo did not know that Beatriz was a part of both sides. The Resistance and the First Order.
         "Where have you been?" Kylo asked.
           "I went out to raid a village. One village seemed... suspicious." Beatriz chose her words carefully, so Kylo would not find out her plan.
            "Alone?" He inquired.
             "I don't need an army! I can take care of myself." Beatriz answered, crossing her arms, almost offended by his response.
             Kylo put his arms in the air in an act of surrender. "Okay, okay. I just don't want you getting killed, or captured."
           "I know." Beatriz responded simply. "And, by the way, you might be late now, to whatever you were attending to."
          Kylo nodded and took a faster pace, for the sake of time. Due to this, he almost ran into Captain Phasma, but she would not question him anyway. He was a lot stronger and if they did fight, his force ability would give him the advantage.
        Then Kylo sensed the same disturbance as he did before. He felt a presence. Sumya Wren's presence. Kylo then entered the room where Snoke and Kylo normally meet, and prepared himself for what lies within.

          "Preparing the landing sequence." Lillia said. Beatriz left a while before, to go somewhere. A loose transport ship took her. Nobody specified where though, and it gave me suspicions.
           "Sumya?" Lillia asked waving a hand in front of my face in an act to grab my attention. I blinked and looked at her.
           "I'm here!" I reassured her and then we walked alongside General Leia down the ramp, and at that moment the plan was executed. We followed Leia until she sat down. There was a large crowd gathered and we snuck out of it quickly. We left backwards, slowly, towards the side of the building and took a swift turn. I backed right into a stormtrooper and he asked,"Excuse me, what is your business here? Can I help you?"
           I reacted quickly. "Umm. Yes. Do you know where the restrooms are?" I ask. The stormtrooper tilted his head, probably in an attempt to remember and then said, "I believe it is towards the back of the building, but I need to escort you."
              "Okay." Lillia looked worried.
              "Don't worry I've got this." I answered. I waved my hand in front of the trooper's face and said, "You don't need to escort us." The soldier looked confused and then said,"I don't need to escort you." And with those words we left. Lillia gave and impressed expression and then said, "Nice save." 
             "Thank you." I answered, and then we noticed a crate guarded by a few soldiers and we knew those had to be the T-80's. So, I used an old trick. I took a stone and levitated it towards them to throw them off guard and lead them away. They walked towards it and I told Lillia to continue to levitate it for me while I set the bombs and get the guns. I placed around seventeen bombs and started tugging the T-80's.
          After awhile of tugging and pulling, we successfully loaded the guns in the ship. We then joined the crowd as the negotiations ended.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now