Lost Revenge

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Now, wait. What if, Ky didn't kill Bo-Katan? If so, than who did? What if Sumya is hurt already? My mind was clouded with worried and bewildered thoughts. I banished the thoughts and decided to clear my mind with rest.

Kylo stared smiling at the satisfaction of hurting a new enemy, Sumya Wren. She was smart. She must have figured it out by now. His smile grew, but this did not last long. His security alarm blared, causing him to jump.      
       "WREN!" His anger boiled. He rolles his eyes and started to find his enemy. Kylo started down the hallway wildly, and then he saw her. With her darksaber ignited she charged full thrust. I successfully dodged her attack, but when I turned around. She was gone.

No matter how much I wanted to kill Kylo, I didn't. I couldn't give into the dark side. So, I charged, knowing he would dodge it, and then ran around the counter and into a vent. This was a trick I learned from my father. How missing Kylo mostly purposely, and running a vent, worked, is a real mystery.
I continued to crawl until I entered Bay 17. I crawled out of the vent and then sprinted off behind a crate and crouched. Then, I pushed, with the force, a mouse droid towards the only group of storm troopers and successfully lead them away. I awarded myself and then ran into a brand new ship. I jumped into the cockpit and disabled the tracking beacon. I flew away.

After Sumya successfully escaped, Kylo Ren was given a new datapad with a message on it. He clicked on it and a blue, three-dimensional, hologram of Sumya showed up.
       She said, "Hello my new nemesis, Kylo Ren." She tilted her head, mockingly. "I hope you enjoyed my short visit and flawless escape." She moved her hands as she spoke. "Until our next meeting, may the force be with you. Oh, and by the way, you may not have a shuttle for a while, or a few ties. Sumya out." At this Kylo screamed out with frustration, like the child he is, as he heard a small explosion.
      "Umm, sir?" Asked a trooper.
       "Yes!" Kylo said with gritted teeth.
        "Your shuttle was believed to be taken by Sumya Wren. She also blew up seven tie fighters including yours..." the trooper continued, slightly scared. Kylo then screamed again and destroyed his new datapad and a few of his employees...

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now