A Long Lost Leader

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I haven't seen Ky or Sumya for several hours. They were probably in the woods. Anyway, Sumya is not like this. She always comes back by now. I start to check the training room. She is normally there all the time. Not there. Then, I walked through the woods, another common place Sumya likes to go. I find nothing for a long time until I reach a small campsite. The fire seemed to have been recently put out. I see one of Sumya's lone blasters.
          "Oh no." I say out loud. Then, I found a puddle of blood a few feet away. I grimace at the crimson blood. I feel faint as a small scream leaves my mouth and then drifts through the air.

                I woke up a little earlier than Ky. My cut stung and hurt. My right leg and whole back was sore but already patched. My cut was also cleaned. A small shock collar was attached around my neck. Then I looked at Ky. He has one too. I determine if I should wake up Ky but decide better if it. His face was the calmest I have ever seen him. His usually strained and tight skin is relaxed. Not for long.
               I've known him since I was seven. We've been close ever since then, but enough with that. I need to find out where I am and what to do. The room was dark and cold. I was in a tall cage of a large vehicle, a VX-80, by the looks of it. There were others as well.
                "Where are we?" I asked to the man in the cage next to me.
                  "On the West side of Mandalore. The Empire is rising again into the First Order, and they want one of Sabine Wren's weapons. A weapon bigger and better than the Death Star." Said the man. He was probably an engineer. I paled. "By the looks of it, you're from her clan." The engineer scoffed. Ky woke up from all of the ruckus.
                  "Wha- What's going on?" He asked sleepily.
                  "The Em- First Order is rising again and they want me mother's weaponry to create something bigger than the Death Star!" I said in a worried yell.
                 "Okay, okay." Ky said calmly while rubbing my shoulders in reassurance. "It will be okay. We will escape."
                 I took a deep breath and stood up in the tall cage. "Okay." I say putting my hand on my chin in a thinking manner. I decided to study the area and the people in it. The engineer was broadly built and very strong, he could probably help us as the muscle in the break-out. I looked at his cage. The bars were thin, but he couldn't break them if he tried.
           I looked at the lock on my own cage, running my hands on its cold metal. I recognized the lock. In fact, I know how to build them. I wondered if I could pick it, but I had nothing to pick it with. I focused hard on the design of the lock. I reached out with my hand. I heard a small click and the door flung open. They were no guards. I freed the others and then an alarm was set off and one of the bandits ran into the room. He had a remote in his hand.
              "Ky!" I yelled remembering the shock collars on us all.
             I felt a very strong pain in my neck and then everywhere. I growled and yelled out in pain. The others did as well. Innocent people being tortured. No that is not fair. The pain rocketed through me more and more. Finally, it stopped. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. I grunted and tried again. Pain hit me. It trailed from my right leg, to my back and then around the cut under my eye. I yelled in pain. I gave up trying to sit up. The other pirates came and that was the last thing I saw before everything was consumed in a black abyss.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: In a Wren's Eye (BOOK ONE) Star Wars Story {unedited}Where stories live. Discover now