Chapter 1

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Edited by : Angie1251

Jimin’s P.O.V

I put on my favourite white T-shirt paired with my ripped jeans. I grabbed my bag and keys making my way downstairs as I turn off all of the lights. Humming the tune of Spring day happily while locking the door to my apartment.

It was only 8am on Sunday morning and my apartment building was dead silent. I walk out of the building making my way to the bus stop which was only about 2 blocks away, looking at all the passing cars.

I took a seat on the bench waiting for the bus, it wasn’t busy but there were quite a few people waiting. My ringtone took me away from my train of thoughts and I curiously looked at my phone to see who could be calling me this early. I asked myself if I might have forgotten any appointments before I lazily took my phone to see the caller ID. “Hello, Hobi Hyung. What do I owe the pleasure of getting a call from you at this early hour?” my voice sounding a bit sarcastic as I joked with him. “Hey, sorry to bother you I just wanted to remind you of your appointment tomorrow. Please don’t forget.” His voice sounded sincere making me nod, soon after I realized that he couldn’t see me so I just answer him with a simple yes.

Shortly after I ended the call the bus arrived and I got on going to the back to find my favorite seat.


I arrived at the station about 30 minutes later. I got off and made my way to the RM café across the street, taking a seat in the corner booth. I was busy looking through the menu when my phone buzzed again. I wanted to ignore it but curiosity got the best of me and I pulled out my phone.  

Message from Unknown
  - looking so good today.

    I frowned, who's sent me this message. Maybe someone has the wrong number. He was going to lock his phone until the next message came.

Message from Unknown:
  - Stop ignoring my message

  - Sorry, you texted the wrong person?

Message from Unknown:
   - You think so, Park Jimin?

- Do I know you?

Message from Unknown:
   - You don’t, but I know you, so well.


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