Chapter 17

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"We'll be taking your order, Sir. Please wait in the queue for your turn. Your Ice Americano will be ready in five minutes." Jimin politely accepting the costumer's card, inputing the price in the cashier machine and handed it back to him along with the orderer's queue number.


Jimin turned back to search for the voice's owner, Jin.

"I'm here. You could go back home now," he smiled, standing beside Jimin and slightly pushing him, accepting the next customer's order.

It was almost eight at night. Jimin's shift will finally be ended. He usually takes the whole night shift until ten but Namjoon recommended him to cut off a few hours since he had activities on the studio, too. And as usual a kind man Jin is, he offered to take the rest shift with Namjoon,although there will be only one or two customers who stop by the cafe pass nine o'clock.

"Thanks,Hyung. I could do the rest before I go back home if you want though," he offered, knowing there was still six minutes before his shift really ended. Jin, who purposely come earlier for his dongsaeng ignore the comment, acting busy with the orders. Tired after several persuadings, Jimin finally decided to go back home since he has spent almost the rest six minutes persuading the stubborn hyung.

Just when Jimin's right hand was going to pull the door, it was somehow pushed from the outer side by someone. Suprised, the blonde jumped back. The cafe's bell rang, signing if there's someone entered.
And that's when their eyes met.



Yoongi's P.o.v

I couldn't sleep well. My eyes were heavy but I felt something was burdening me.
I knew. The scene when our eyes met in the station kept playing in my mind. I'm not sure whether he realized it or not. But one sure thing, we did share an eye contact- although only for a slight of second.

I pulled myself up, sitting on the corner of my bed.My vision got a bit blurry but I held myself up from falling back.

After consuming all the pills left in the bottle, I decided to grab some coffee, hoping my headache would be better.
His shift should have been over.

The night's cold. I put on my black hoodie as usual. Pulling up the hood, I started to make my way out of my house.

There is a cafe just a few steps from here but I know exactly why I'll walk further to that café. In one side, I missed him a lot since we really met on that day. Eventhough we didn't make any valuable memory together, every moments passing felt really important to me. Somehow,I felt guilty staying cold in front of him. I should have behaved better that day. However on the other side of me, I was afraid if he found out what I've been hiding for long.
What if he'll hate me? I've been dying to meet him again but I stopped myself since I knew I couldn't explain anything to him.

There is a cafe just a few steps from my house but I know exactly why I'm here.

I missed him.

And just when I felt ready to face everything, pushing the door open, our eyes met.

Only by hearing his voice, my mind could imagine how terrible it was when he found out the truth, and it makes me feel horrible. That moment, I thought I was completely ready to face the reality. But neither did I know, I was so far from ready. I couldn't help but to run myself from the truth, again.


3rd P.o.v
Jimin was left confused, Yoongi whom he met just few seconds ago, have left running away. He was going to go after him but whoa , the older was damn fast. It didn't take few steps from Jimin and Yoongi have totally gone from his sight. Things have gone awkward since their last conversation. But Jimin really felt something different that night. Yoongi's eyes were way warmer and calm. He didn't get that cold stare like the first meeting of them. By that time, Jimin has totally forgotten about the all-black and man near the station, nor the susupicious feeling being stalked, every problems of his, was replaced by a warm feeling in the heart.

That night, all Jimin could do was only to think about Yoongi.


"GOOOOD MORNING," Taehyung stretched his arm, yawning.
"Aye," the blonde answered, eyes still closed. It took seconds to gain his consciousness, before jumping out of sudden realizing both of his best friends were again messing in his kitchen.

"WwhY," he yelled.
"What," said the youngest, eyes focusing to the 'breakfast' he's making.

Jimin sighed, knowing anything he'll say won't be useful to defend his already-a-total-messed kitchen.
"Alrite," he gave up, "guess I'm gonna have another warm up this morning to clean eveything up."

"Sounds great," Taehyung innocently smiled, "with what?" 

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