Chapter 32

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Jimin slipped his phone, some cash and his car key into his pocket. And after making sure he had turned off the lights, he walked out when he saw Yoongi, casually leaning to the wall in front of his apartment room. When he saw the blonde, he quickly fixed his position, face getting abit serious. And just when his mouth is forming a sentence he already prepared, the younger walked pass him as if there's no existence nearby.

"Jimin wait up," Yoongi called while trying to catch up.

Jimin, pretending that he heard nothing, fasten up his speed, turning left towards the stairs or else he had to talk to Yoongi while waiting for the freaking lift. And yes he felt uneasy, knowing the one who's after him at that moment may do any harm to him.

One last step and he finally made it out of the apartment building, but once again his name was called out and he knew yoongi won't give up easily.

"Jimin please,"

The blonde sighed, eventually turned back facing the older, "Hyung, I don't think I have anything to hear from you."

"But I have something to tell you."

The younger remained silent. Even though his appearance was totally the same-- a black hoodie as his 'trademark' -- Jimin assume the person in front of him is an absolutely different person. "Everything makes sense now. The cold glare Hyung gave on our first meeting, also how you seemed anti when I mention about being friends. At first I thought they're just a personality of yours, after all you fought against that man in the café back then, offering me a ride home after a long night, even hanging out for dinner?"

"I know," Yoongi finally spoke up after going blank for a while, " I knew what I used to do was a mistake and I tried to cha-"

"How long?" Jimin interrupted tried to hold back the urge to cry, yet he felt so mad, "how long have all of this been going on?"

"That's not important right now. Jimin-ah, you can't go anywhere tonight, and you must stop seeing your Yeobin, he's not the person you think he is,"

"The only one person I said stop saying is you, hyung. I don't want to know what happened between both of you, he said the same thing as what you just did and I don't even care to know. I have no reason to trust you when you yourself keep avoiding questions,"

" I'll tell you everything you want to know as long as you promise me one thing," the older said, grabbing Jimin's wrist to stop him from walking away."

" You're not in the position to make a deal. You once said that you have no friends and you hate making one. And you know what hyung? You are pathetic, and I hope you stay alone forever!" Jimin lashed out, pushing yoongi away.

To his surprise, it was very easy to free himself from yoongi's grip, and the older seemed to finally gave up-- or jimin was just being too harsh on him.

But it was a good chance for him to escape. And with that, the blonde walk away, leaving yoongi behind.


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