Chapter 7

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Jimin's p.o.v

"Okay everybody , its enough for today. We will practice the rest tomorrow. " Finally , we were dismissed. I sat on the floor, catching my breath. This is quite tiring . We had extra time practicing due to the prom night party next week. I took my phone out to check the time since the clock is not working. Sigh , its already 11 at night. We usually have only maximum 5 hours of practicing  , but since there some new members that join us recently , Hoseok decided to have more extra time to train both of them, also to stabilize the choreo we learned for the show next week. Its actually optional whether we want to join or not . I didn't mind going home at late night, I lived alone and I'm free.

Some  have already left home but some were still at the practice room, packing their things . I looked around . That was when I suddenly remembered someone. Haewon. She's not here for two days already. What happened?

?! Impossible.. Quickly , I unlocked my phone and checked the message box.

Message from Unknown :
- extra time practicing should be exhausting

Message from Unknown :
- see? You even ignore my message.

Message from Unknown :
- I hate to admit it but seeing you dance really heal my depression alot

Message from Unknown :
- so just keep dancing like that , Park Jimin.

What? This guy have a depression? No wonder. Maybe he also have a mental disorders. pity for him. Why didn't he just go to have therapy or anything. Its better than haunting or stalking a people even murdering a man due to a nonsense reason.

But I'm not going to think about he having a depression or whatever it is.

You :
- what do you do to Haewon?

Message from Unknown :
- what?

Message from Unknown :
- Oh , lets see 👀. She's not here today right?

Message from Unknown:
- Are you worrying about her?

You :
- thats not your problem

You :
- Now answer me. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!

Message from Unknown:
- huh , such a gentleman , but its too late Jiminie~

Message from Unknown :
- at least , I gave her mercy. Don't worry. She's not dead yet.

Shit. Why didn't I realized this from yesterday ?! He was really a psycho. I grabbed my backpack and run towards downstairs. I decided to use my car since its too dangerous to walk outside at this hour.

Is he joking? Or it was really his doing?

You :
- where is she ?!

Message from Unknown :
- why should I tell you hm?
You are also going to her house ;)

Message from Unknown :
- if I knew you cared alot about her , I should have shot her off last time

Dammit. Asking him won't help. I threw my phone to the passengger's seat beside as well as my backpack and turn the car's engine on, driving to her house as quick as possible. I was really dumb. Why didn't I realized what was going on before? She was in a real trouble , more like she was already in trouble , and thats all because of me.

I parked my car (A/N: Park Jimin parked his car lol ok enough) and walk into an alley where she lived. Why even did she lived in a small alley. It was a bit dark here. That should be her house, the blue one.

Worriedly , I pushed the bell button once and waited for a respond , but there's not one. So i pushed it again , once , twice. Still not gaining a respond. Last time when we talked , she said she lived alone and if there was no respond that means she was not here. Or maybe she's just sleeping?
When I was going to leave, an old woman nextdoor came out. "Are you finding someone , kid?" Her voice sounded so hoarse and a bit husky, but I bet she's a kind woman so I approached her , "Ma'am , did you know where the woman that lives here go?" I pointed the blue house beside. The old woman was quiet for a second , " Did you mean Haewon ?" " Yes , Haewon , did you see her this morning or maybe yesterday, perhaps ?" She was her neighbour , so she supposed to know what happened to her , right? But it was dissapointing. She sighed , " Im so sorry kid , but I didn't see her since yesterday morning,"

Crap. She was not here since yesterday
morning, this was serious. " Thanks , Ma'am , I'll get going then," I nodded politely and walked back.

I'll just comeback tomorrow. She wasn't picking up her call too. Maybe she just sleep at her friend's house or anything and left her phone at her house. Its late at night, and I'm too tired already. I should get back home and have a rest.

A/N : sorry for late update . Im lack of idea last time. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my story 🙏 . Please vote and leave comments! :)

Byebye 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

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