Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV
13 P.M

" This is your orders . Enjoy your lunch ! " I served the last order to the lunch table , smiling to the sweet couple. " Thanks !"

" Hyung , I'll take a break time," I told Jin that was sitting in the corner , playing with his phone . He looked up , nodded and then looked back to his phone. It was a bit awkward since what had happened this morning. We don't talk alot today.

" Jimin , there's still an order left . Take this to table 3 ," "Oh okayy," I went to take the order from Jin Hyung , then walked towards table 3. There was only a 40 years old guy sitting there . His face was a bit scary...

" Here's your food , sir , enjoy ," I put the the food plates on his table. He looked at me , annoyed , but I just smile at him bowing down and then walked back. "EW!" he shouted out , " Is this what you called food ? It tasted really bad. yuck." The man put the plate away with disgusted face. " S-sorry Sir , do you want to order another food perhaps?" Damn , he was so scary. "You know what little man ? These food tasted like a garbage and you asked me for another try? You must be kidding," he left without paying , mumbling unheardable words. I sighed , picking the food plates from the table. "What happened?" Joon Hyung who heard loud noises came out.
"A customer complained that our food tasted bad and he didn't pay."

I sat back. Everyone were enjoying the food but why did this man said that it tasted like garbage ? Maybe he's someone rich, i don't know. Buzz! Huh ? I forgot he was watching me just now.

Message from Unknown :
- that bastard . I'll give him a lesson.

You :
- forget about it . We have faced alot of customers like that.

You :
- what can you do anyways
he's gone.

Message from Unknown :
- So you're doubting me ?

You :
- I didn't . I was just saying a fact?

Message from Unknown :
- Lets see what I can do

You :
- lol whtever.

I put my phone on the table and went to the restroom. Talking with him made my feeling better , even he's abit creepy sometimes , maybe most of the times .

When I was back from the restrom, everyone's attention is on the Tv . I wonder what was happening so I went there and joined them.
" Breaking news. A man was found dead in an alley with a gunshot wound to the head near the Bangtan street. The police was still searching for the murderer and there was no witness in the area. The man was said to be about 40 years old , he wore brown leather jacket and a shoulder bag was found beside him. His family still hasn't been clafiried...." I turned back to my seat. Is it him ? I was so shocked and my whole body was trembling.
I was sure thats the man. He wore a brown leather jacket before.
Buzz! Shit.

Message from Unknown :
- still doubting me ? I can do more.


Unknown's p.o.v

I grinned to myself . See ? He's so frightened . It's been so long since I did this. I was sooo proud of myself . Keep looking down on me like that, I'll be so happy to proove you wrong.

To be continued ...

A/N : Hellooo . Sorry if its bad :( . I didn't do proofreads so please forgive typos. Thanks for reading! please vote and leave comments ! 🐢🐢🐢

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