Chapter 9

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(A/N : IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR WEEKS 🙇🙇🙇🙇 . I've some problems to solve last time. Thank you for still reading this story ❤)

Message from The Creepy Stalker:
-how was her?

Seeing this message made Jimin's anger uncontroled. He hit the wall hard, ignoring everyone's attention.

Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- Whoa someone's mad.

- stop following me. Just find anyone beside me will you

Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- calm down I won't hurt you for sure

Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- no one is more precious than you jiminie I won't leave you ;)

-  I'll just get back to the cafe bye.

Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- don't worry I'll stay behind you 👀 ~

You :
-get lost.

At this time, Jimin will just think about how unlucky he was, meeting the creepiest stalker that followed him everywhere. Its making his days more awful. He don't even know people like that exist. His works, daily routines , they were all disturbed. He should be aware of where he'll go , what he'll do, his life was threatened .

" Yah Jimin,"
He was jolted from his daydream by a familiar voice calling behind, approaching him.

"Hyung, why are you here?"
There stood Hoseok with a bright smile.

"Well, just to check if everything is okay. But its not. You should have known what happen to her," his smile's now gone, replaced by a deep sigh, " I just met her brother."

"She does have a brother? I thought she's the only one child,"

"Don't you know? She's adopted by a family when she's a child,"

Jimin nodded, "She did tell me she's adopted last time," he take a look around the now quiet hospital, "I'll return to the cafe. Its been an hour since I'm here,"

" Alright, you can take a free day today if you're tired. I'm leaving too," Hoseok waved, leaving Jimin alone. He was also going to leave when he heard something suspicious. Someone's footsteps're heard from the hallway. He quickly approached the source.

He find nothing. No one was there. The hallway was empty, but he's sure someone was there, hearing all their conversations.
Jimin took out his phone from his pocket.

- dont run away.

Message from The Creepy Stalker:
- what.

- and dont act like a fool. I knew you're there just now.

Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- I'm where? I'm inside the café rn

- youre lying.


Message from The Creepy Stalker :
- why should I.

Message from The Creepy Stalker:

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Message from The Creepy Stalker:

- I'm here.

If he's there , who's supposed to be there? Or is he lying?
It was weird, he felt a threatening aura around, which he had never felt before, and he still feel the dark aura sorounding.

He immediately made his way out of there, without realising a pair of psychotic eyes still watching him behind.

A/N : shorty chap 🙇 . I apologize for any typo or grammar mistake. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment 🙆❤! Ily~

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