Chapter 36

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I couldn't help but to think about Soo as she mentions 'her'. I shook my head, denying any bad thoughts form in my mind.

"Where's Soo?"

"You should be worried bout yourself first, Hyung ah. You cared to much about the others, and that makes me," Yeobin stops as he leans closer, tilting my chin up so I am forced to look at him, "disgusted."

"And you asked why?"

"Because we had fun."

And with that, he pulls his left-hand away and stood up.

" Where is Soo?" I outraged, trying my best to raise the volume of my voice as I started to struggle to free myself up from the rope tied around my wrist.

It hurts.
Both my hands and head. But something felt worse than that. The feeling of being betrayed. The fact that someone's in danger while I couldn't do a thing to help.

"Are you sure it's just about Soo? How about asking bout the rest too~"


Change of POV 🌚

" Since we have enough, I think it's time for you to join them." Yeobin whispered in a sarcastic and evil tone as he swings the wooden bat one more time.
But before he could say something again, his body was kicked from the back, making the boy flinch.

He spun around, finding out that yoongi had already in the position of sending him the next kick. "Are you sure you're not the one going next?"

"Then I should have killed you first, peel off every inch of your skin, and fit you to my dogs."

Yoongi tilt his head to the side.

"we'll see about that."

Their convo seemed to end as the red haired boy lunged forward, sending a few punches towards Yoongi, which were perfectly avoided by the older. However, after a few more punches and kicks, one solid blow to his jaw brought  Yoongi's attention back.

He stood over him, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. Yeobin gave him no time and had already lunged towards him again, now aiming his stomach with more power. Yet the older one is way quicker as he gripped the younger's fist, twisting his right hand and kicking him back on his chest.

Despite his short and skinny look, Yoongi's light-footed enough. In a minute, he managed to bring Yeobin downb, pinning him to the ground with both of his hands around the younger's throat. "You used to be someone like us too, don't you? We are in the same team." Yeobin spoke as he choked while trying to free himself from Yoongi's firms hands.

Nonetheless, the black hoodie guy on top of him didn't seem to care.

"I play solo."

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