Chapter 37

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I watch in horror as one of Yoongi's hand clasped tightly around Queens arm, and the other one clutching a knife pressed up against her throat. One wrong move and she could lost her life. Queen is staring to me, her eyes tearing as like she's begging me to help her.

"Hyung don't."
I curse my voice for being weak.

I whip my head to the left where Yeobin's unconscious body is placed in a seated position, scared if he'll get up at any time. What kind of situation is this?

"You want me to what Jimin?" Yoongi asks, both of his hands still on the same position.

"Please spare me," the red-haired girl in his grip cries as the cold, sharp knife landed just on her throat. Even in the dim lighting, I could see a grin formed on Yoongi's face as he tilts himself and Queen to the left, letting the girl look at his brother who's easily knocked out a moment ago."Are you sure you have nothing to do with this? If you admit it, then I'll think about sparing your life, girlie," Yoongi whispers as he pushes her forward, and now there is only one meter distance between us.
Their different expressions are even clearer now, but I somehow don't feel scared of yoongi. I believe he isn't here to hurt anyone,
or at least me.

"Now you got to answer his question,"

" I-I don't know. She is dead at the first day she was reported kidnapped. But I swear I-I didn't kill her. All I did was just helping my brother. I lied to everyone about what happened but I wasn't the one who killed her" Queen stuttered as her voice start to crack.
It's the same pitchy voice she had all the time she 'lied', and now I can't tell if she'll be starting another drama.

I could feel anger burning inside me but this is another important situation I have to face.

"And  you're the one pleading your bro to get her aren't you? You and your disgusting jealousy," Yoongi added,
"after all of this, do you think I should spare their lifes, Jiminie?" I stay silent, not because of what yoongi has said to me.

Fair police's sirens could be barely heard outside this place, getting closer which means they're coming to us.
Or what at least I hope for.

I don't know who called the police and yoongi doesn't seems like you care too, but I know what I have to do is to stop him before they arrive. He already had his hands on Queen',s throat for a while but there's no sign of him letting go.

" Now where's the to pretentious kids all of this time?"

"If you mess with my Jimin, you're messing with me."

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