Chapter 10

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Jimin's p.o.v

I just got back from the hospital, and decided, I will just forget about those things, and Haewon, since she's also lost her memories. When i got there, the cafe's empty already. Thinking of something, I approached Jin Hyung.

"What?" Jin hyung looks so tired, it should be because of an hour extra shift I asked for.
"Thanks for replacing my shift. I know it should be your rest time. I just have something important to do."
He chuckles, " You always do. Whats that again? Meeting your new boyfriend?"
What? "New boyfriend my ass. I have never thought having one," I laugh, " its just a friend from the studio. She's hospitalized so I come to see her condition."
"So how was her?"
"She lost her memories due to a hard hit on her head."
"Pity on her."
"I know. She even didnt remember me," I said in a lower tone, " Oh yes, Hyung, do you problably saw a man suspicious in this cafe just now?" This time, I asked in a small small voice , making sure he didn't hear me.
" WHAT ? A suspicious who?" He asks, loudly.
"SHHH!" I put my index fingers to my lips.
"WHAT?" He asks, still in a loud tone.
"I'll just chat you instead," I took out my phone and find his contact, leaving a confused Jin.

Me :
-. Hyung

Jin Hyung 👑:
-. Stop making me confused.

Me :
-. Just answer me . Did you see someone suspicious just now when I'm out ?
Please dont speak out anything. Just don't . I'll explain later.

Jin Hyung 👑:
-. Suspicious like what? I didn't think I saw any.

Me :
-. I'm not sure also. Someone in black maybe ?

Jin Hyung 👑:
-. As long as what i remember, i didn't.

Jin Hyung 👑:
-.The cafe is crowded. How could I memorize all of the customer's face😑

Jin Hyung 👑:
-.Now tell me. WHATS GOING ON.

-. He should be watching us rn😫

Jin Hyung👑:
-. WTF. stop joking

Jin Hyung 👑:
-. Are you talking about a stalker?

Jin Hyung 👑:
-.Don't be kidding me

Me :
-. Uh yea somekind of

Me :
-. Whatever hyung you won't trust me. Forget about it I'll get back to work.

I switched off my phone and walk to the kitchen, start doing what I can do, leaving a frowning Jin behind , mumbling a 'weirdo'.

Is he lying? He should be. Why should I trust him? I sigh, anyway, its over.
He must know this cafe well , again and again, I should be more careful. Damnit.

A/N : So :).
I ran out of ideas
And as usual thanks for reading please vote and comment💖💖💖

Byebye 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

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