Chapter 26

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Yoongi's POV

8.46 AM

   The session is over. I was told to visit again next week, and if everything is getting better, its going to be my last appointment here, even though I should still take alot of pills.

  I pushed the clinic's door open, slightly poking my head out to check if Jimin is still around. After making sure that no one is around, I get back inside, sitting on an empty spot while waiting for the pharmacist to bring out medicines I needed. I managed to stop him from waiting outside, by saying if the waiting queue is long and things. Beside, he still need to arrived to the café on time too.

   Somehow, I feel guilty for lying to him about almost everything. Even my first appearance on the café was already a big lie. Yet, he looked like he believed in every of this whole nonsense I don't think I could do myself if I was in his position. And this, is also one of the reason why things about truth is becoming more and more complicated. But I won't let those unwanted thoughts haunt me. I grabbed tight on the plastic bag handed by the pharmacist. This is my only chance. I'll delete all of my bad pasts and be a new self. I'll definitely do anything for him.


Lets get back to 3rd POV :)

"gOoD AChIM~"

A familiar - and annoying voice approached, making Jimin who is focusing on his phone's screen at the moment looked up, squinting at Taehyung and Jungkook who are now doing their signature high five and weird dance moves, ignoring every customer's stares.

" I'll understand if you guys are good-looking, but good-manners ?" He jokingly speak, loud enough to make the duo calm their asses down.

"Any good news? You guys look very happy today."

"OhOo, we're happy everyday," Tae answered, eyes looking at the menu on the top of the order table, while Jungkook nodded, "Yee, and this morning, we had s-"

"One iced Americano please," a voice on the back interrupted.

"Sir you must at least wait for your turn to order," the youngest hissed, unhappy of that intterupter.

"Hyung?" Jimin greeted as he is the first to look at Yoongi, who looked impatiently wait behind his friends.

"You guys didn't seem like ordering so I went first," Yoongi replied not giving a damn.

"Then we'll just have the same," Tae clucked, slightly annoyed of the so-called-Hyung man behind.

Jim nodded, "Well then please wait for you guys' coffee on the waiting queue," He handed them their bills with queue numbers, before the atmosphere went even worse.

"3 iced," he shouted to Jin, who seems to understand what the blonde is talking about.

The duo who looked like that they've lost their playful mood waved at Jimin after getting their orders and leave the café, followed by Yoongi.

He sighed, luckily nothing get tense. He could surely sense something between them a moment ago, but he know Yoongi, and he's not the typical man who likes to look for trouble. Another thing is, even he acted all cool and ignorant, Jimin know he's kind and humble on the inside.

At least, that is what he believed in.

His phone rang, bringing him back from his thoughts.

Message from Yyeobin🐉🔅:

Message from Yyeobin🐉🔅:
-are you free tonight?

- Hng?

- I guess I am.

-why tho?

Message from Yyeobin 🐉🔅:
- can we meet up?

Message from Yyeobin 🐉🔅:
- I have something to tell

Message from Yyeobin 🐉🔅:


-just text me the time and place

Message from Yyeobin 🐉🔅:
- omg thanks hyungiee ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

--------------------------------------- ⤴️back

Message from Creepy Guy:
- No

Me :
- what now.

Message from Creepy Guy:

Message from Creepy Guy:
- You're not goin out with him tonite

Me :
-excuse me sir

Me :
- Are you my mom? Looks like no.

Me :
- then Y should I listen to you?

Message from Creepy Guy:
- you need to trust me

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