Chapter 5

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Author's POV

   Message from Unknown :
   - still doubting me ? I can do more.

          Jimin was shaking. Is it him? He is not only creepy. He is a psycho.

You :
- Yyou did that?

     Message from Unknown :
   - now he won't disturb you again.

              He put his phone down, trying to process what had happened , but he can't. "What's wrong with your face?" Jin who was also watching the news just now came back after spotting Jimin's strained expression. " Huh? Uh its nothing, I just f-forget that I have an appoinment at the s-studio so I will got to go n-now." Of course he couldn't tell his hyung what had happened. He didn't want his hyung to worry about him. "Oh okay, just go, I'll handle the rest."

           Jimin immediately called Hoseok to get him. Hell he's so afraid to walk outside. And surely Hoseok would come, he's that kind of caring and helpful friend.

           He got into the car quickly, greeted by the cheerful Hoseok. Jimin stayed quiet most of the time, until his phone buzzed again. No , not again please. Buzz ! Buzz ! His phone kept buzzing around and it attracted Hoseok's attention. "Your phone kept buzzing. Why don't you just checked it out?"

   Message from Unknown:
   - Who's that guy with you and where are
      you going?

You :
- Its none of your bussiness.

     Message from Unknown :
     -Should i shoot him off?

You :

      Message from Unknown :
      - Lol im just kidding.

             Jimin sighed. How could he turned from a psycho to a normal guy? What did he mean by just kidding? "Who's that?"
" Uh its Taehyung," He lied alot today.


          " Jimin , this is Kim Haewon , our new member. She is going to be our back dancer today. Haewon , this is Jimin, the main dancer."
" Hello , nice to meet you," they shake hands , greeting each other. Its been so long since there's new member , especially a girl dancer. Haewon looks   pretty and charming with her brown hair,  and she's a little bit taller than Jimin (A/N : coz why not 😂). "OKAY EVERYBODY. Lets start our practice today since we will perform at a prom night party next week ,"

          Jimin feels safer at the studio than at the cafe. He won't be putting a camera here , he thought. Buzz! Oh , it should be tae.

       Message from Unknown :
       - don't be that close with the new girl.

(A/N : Sorry its short. I have no more idea :') . Thanks for reading. Vote and leave comments ! Annyeong 🐢🐢🐢)


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