Chapter 19

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Two chapters at once :)

Bcoz i luv u guys.


Message from Creepy Guy:
- did you just gave your phone number to a stranger?

- speak for yourself

Message from Creepy Guy:
- but i didn't ask for yours

Message from Creepy Guy :
- 🌚

- and thats worse.

Message from Creepy Guy:
- lemme fix you

Message from Creepy Guy:
- thats cool.

Message from Creepy Guy:

Message from Creepy Guy:
-stay away from that guy.

-i think you're not in the position to say so.

-i'd rather stay away from you

-i'm done talking.


It has been days. Jimin thought he was not going to disturb his life anymore but once again he was wrong.
He scratched the back of his head,walking towards his parked car.

He was damn frustated.

Jimin knew that the stalker won't hurt him but he felt anxious as he couldn't ignore Hoseok's advice too. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, driving back to the studio in no time.

Hoseok couldn't stop looking at the ticking clock with arms folded, head turning back to count the members gathered in the studio room. It has been twelve minutes and there're still two of the sub-dancers who haven't showed up. No one was able to tell where they are as everyone went partly to their own direction ever since the lunch break time.

The latest one could come is usually five to ten minutes, and Jimin sensed something strange. Another three minutes waiting, and there's still no sign if the late members were coming. Just when Hoseok decided to continue the training without the missing one, the door clicked open, revealing  Queen, one of the sub-dancer.
She looked tired as if she's been running all way back, and that seems to be true.

Everyone was still questioning the sudden occurrence when they realized another thing.

"Where's Soo?" Hoseok asked, being the first one to realized the missing partner of Queen. The girl with a messed-ponytail who was questioned stood in place, catching her breathe while she started to sob.

Soo was her partner and they went to have their lunch in a certain café. They were still together until Soo said she was going to the toilet, and haven't returned ever since.

Queen, who have been waiting for long, tried to check if her partner was doing well. She went straight to the toilet, which was located at the back of the café. But she found no one. Panicked, Queen tried to phone Soo, but finding out Soo's phone is instead left in the bathroom floor made her panicked even more. She had no choice but to leave the café without Soo, running all the way back to the studio hoping Soo had already been going back first.

The studio went silent, leaving sobbing Queen and the ticking clock. Her right hand was holding a phone with a pink case, with a printed decoration sticker written 'Sooyeon' in the upper side. And that was of course, the missing sub dancer, Soo's phone.

Queen started to blame herself as she was playing with her phone and didn't pay much attention when Soo was in the toilet.

She shook her head,"Its crowded there and I was too busy on my phone," she continued to sob,"I'm so sorry. It was my fault."

The other members tried to calm herself up, telling her that everything is going to be okay. Hoseok stood up, getting out from the room, Jimin following afterwards.

Jimin knew, Hoseok didn't think everything is going to be okay. He sighed, putting one of his hand to Hoseok's shoulder,"She may have just went home because something urgent came up," he said, trying to create positive thoughts. "No one left immediately to their house leaving their phone on a  bathroom's floor and not telling their friend anything, Jim," Hoseok disagreed, knowing Jimin was only trying to make everything better. He forced a smile, and put Jimin's hand down.
"Let's continue to practice."

After Queen was quite calm, they continued practicing. Although it felt strange because Hoseok had never continue one practice without any missing member, all of the dancers remain quiet, trying to get rid of every unpleasant thought about Soo, including Jimin.

The practice was ended earlier, since Hoseok knew they were already tired and everyone's mind, especially Queen had been distracted by the sudden missing of Soo. She had stopped sobbing, but her expression was filled with anxiety and Jimin could tell, she wasn't concentrating in the whole practice.

They decided to head to Soo's house, hoping she returned home for some reasons. But all their hopes were gone instantly as Soo was not there too. Her family went panicked, immediately reporting it to the police. Queen once again blamed herself, apologizing to Soo's family. She was a fragile girl, everything was happening too quick as she was just cheering up with her partner Soo and that now police had took the case seriously. Jimin could only stood there, calming Soo and doing nothing more. In that condition, all of his positive suggestion couldn't help her anymore.

It was already six when Jimin dropped Queen safely to her house, and went back to nascitá. The practice will be continued tomorrow, and Hoseok left without saying much.

According to Jin, it was definitely an abduction.
"Lately, cases like that happened," the older pointed to the TV, that happened to be airing missing children's cases, "it happened to anyone, children, man or woman." Namjoon nodded, petting Snow, his dog,"it happened to pets too."
Jin palmed his face,"that's a different case, Joon."

Jimin walked out the café taking a sip of his Americano. He stopped for a while when his phone buzzed, checking it right away.


Message from Creepy Guy:
- aren't you curious about what had really happened?

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