Chapter 8

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Author's p.o.v
12 P.M
RM's café .

"Table 12's order is ready,"
Jimin rushed to take the order from the cook. He carried the tray carefully and walked towards table 12.

" Here's your order. Enjoy," he served the food , smiling to the customers.

" Hyung, can you please replace my shift ? For only an hour. I nees to go somewhere," Jimin put the tray away.
"Fine , for only an hour," Jin nodded.
" Okay thanks. be back."


"Excuse me, is there any patient called Kim Haewon ?" Jimin just arrived at the hospital after hearing that Haewon was hospitalized from Hoseok.
"Are you perhaps his family, sir?" The nurse asked.
"Uhm, I'm her friend. Where's her room?" Of course Jimin wouldn't want to lie if he's her family.
"She's in room 204,"

As soon as he heard number , he quickly turned to find the elevator.

Eyes searching for room 204.
200, 201, 202, 203, there it is.
Room 204 : Patient Kim Haewon

And there she was, a pale woman sitting on the bed with an emotionless empty daze.

"Haewon!" He approached her, "What happened to you?"
The woman, who was called Haewon, just stared at him," Who are you? Am I your family?"
"I'm Jimin , Park Jimin, don't you remember me?"

"Jimmy? Jimmy who?" She kept staring at him, but have no idea who was the person standing in front of her, "Do I know you?"

The patient room's door opened, revealing a doctor and a nurse standing behind him, they are in charge for 204's patient , Kim Haewon.

" Good afternoon, are you Haewon's family?" The doctor asked, politely, yet aware if he's not.

"Oh , I'm her friend, Jimin," he bowed back, hoping he will get some information," What happened to her? I heard she was hospitalized so I came here."

"She was having a brain rash and amnesia due to a hard hit at her head. We already tried as hard as we could ."
Buzz! Jimin slowly nodded, watching both of them leave, and then turned back to a confused Haewon," What happened to me? Have we ever met?" She kept asking the same question. She even couldn't remembered what happened to her.

Jimin gave her a smile,"No, I thought I went to the  wrong room," and then immediately left her room, and checked his phone. What do he want right now? He just hurt an innocent woman because of... Nothing? Jimin thought , this was a weird case , and plus , now he can't live normally because of a stalker that was makin him feeling worse,  everywhere and  everytime.

Message from The Creepy Stalker:
-How was her?

A/N : Short one :') . Thankyou for you guys's support🥰 And sorry if I did typo bcs I didn't do proofread.

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