Chapter 24

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Suprise hehe



Cricket noises and footsteps were echoing around. They have been checking almost the whole area they could reach but barely got any thing. Until Yeobin accidentally stepped on a shiny gold pin near the entrance where they're coming out . It looks like the pin was newly left, rustless and unscratched. Yeobin showed the pin on his palm, the name SooYeon is embroidered on it.

"Shouldn't we hand this to the police?" Yoongi asked, examining the small golden thing.

"No," the youngest demanded,"If we gave them, aren't we going to be suspected?"

Now they've started it, they should end it too.

Unfortunately they only had another small clue, and the kidnapper will be clever enough to have left any time soon after Queen's escaped.
And that means, they failed.
Mission aborted.

Noticing the tired Jimin, Yoongi offered-more like forced to drive them home.
Jimin couldn't denied,Yoongi was right about his morning shift at the café, and then continue his duty by preparing the dance competition coming a day after tomorrow in the studio, and that, might take him the whole afternoon.

Yeobin looked quite dissapointed but he said he wouldn't gave up easily as Queen may still hold the other important clue. The  blonde promised he'll help whenever he could. He flashed a smile as Yeobin waved a goodbye,getting off the car.

"So, mind telling your adress now,Sir?" Yoongi asked trying to tease Jimin again. This time, Jimin ignored the older, straightly telling his apartment's adress.

It fell silent after the cheerful Yeobin left, leaving the awkward Yoongi and Jimin again. The blonde himself couldn't figure any topic to start, and Yoongi seemed to transformed back to his cold-mode. He glanced at the black-grayish haired man, whose eyes were focusing on driving. Have he changed, or is it just my feeling?

"Is this only my feeling or are you staring at me?"

The sudden talk snapped Jimin out from staring, quickly fixing his seat to face away from Yoongi. "NO, I was closing my eyes," he defended.

"You look startled," the older proded,"Am I that attractive?"

Jimin was wrong.
Yoongi's still on his weird mode.


"Thanks, Hyung. But how about yourself? There's barely any transportation this late night."

Yoongi smirked teasingly,"So you mean I could stay at your place tonight?"


The younger's face heated up. He's gone speechless.

"I'm fine Jimin. Suprisingly my house's few blocks from yours. I'll go to get something at the grocery store too. The 24-hours-open one," the older said, feeling satisfied looking at the awkward blushing boy.

Jimin nodded, accepting his car keys Yoongi handed. He smiled, waving at him.

When Yoongi was just about to leave, Jimin called him again. He looked back lazily, with a questioning eyebrow.

"Thanks for today," the younger spoke shyly, afraid if he'll make the situation back to awkwardness. But the older gave him a warm smile instead, "Isn't that what friends do?"

Jimin couldn't help but to smile too. How could a cold and ignorant voice, sounds warm and loving at once?


Damn this is short.
But Im just in mood for the flirting Yoongi im sorry

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