Chapter 14

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"You okay, Jimin?" he asked, face anxious but still trying to act cool.

"Y-you know my name?" Jimin, hesitating to grab the man's hand for help but he accepted it as well. The man in front him is pale, has the same height as him, with all black- but blonde hair, and a mysterious unreadable dark eyes. He pointed slightly to Jimin's right chest, where a name batch is attached with the bold  font  : PARK JI MIN .

"Oh," Jimin mumbled , realizing how stupid he was. The man turned and walked back to his seat, while mumbling something Jimin can't hear- but he was sure he heard 'cute'. After standing there for another second realizing his stupidness for forgetting to say thankyou again, Jimin decided to get back to the kitchen if he doesn't want to hear a mad Jin screaming his name for the next order.

"Yah! PARK JIMIN," a quite loud scream came from the kitchen made Jimin fastened his steps. Speak of the devil.

  " Yah!"  Earning a smack from Jin in the head, Jimin head back to the tables holding next order. He sighed looking around, this should be the last one in this hour. Some people had left , since lunch time has passed, leaving some couple who just ordered their food, and the 17 seat man- oh and looked like he raised his hand to Jimin , which mean he was asking for the bill.

  Jimin dashed there as fast as he could and try his best to act normal. After receiving the money from that man, Jim finally take the liberty to say thankyou for helping him.

" If you feel grateful, then why don't you treat me a meal next time?" he chuckled. Jimin seemed to froze in the place. The man laughed,
"Alright. ,you don't have t-",
"N-not that , I just , I-I mean, yea-um I'll treat you a meal," he smiled awkwardly, trying so hard to speak well. "Cool, do you bring your phone?"

Not wanting the man to wait , Jimin quickly grab his phone from his jeans and hand it to him. The man accepted it and typed something with it, while Jimin waiting, inserting his left hand to his pocket-must be his number right?  Why did he feel so nervous?

"Here, call me when you're free," he handed the phone back, Jimin nodded, putting his phone back to his pocket. Jimin awkwardly went back to work.

After hours, Jimin finally finished his work. He grab his backpack and exit the cafe. Jimin started walking back home. After a while, he started to feel that someone is following him. Somehow he felt that creepy feeling being stalked.He dared to look behind, but only to see the same man from the cafe before. The man approached him and smiled.

"Hey. Jimin, right?" the man asked making sure it was really the JIMIN he met at the cafe ( Although seem like he didn't). Jimin nod at the man and smiled back. Jimin look at his watch to see it's already 8 pm. He really need to get home. 

Or not.


  Jimin looked around. Its a quite nice place.
He's damn good at choosing places. He sat at a bench nearby, eyes still wandering. He then saw a man who approached him, handing a cup of warm drink. "Coffee?" The man offered, Jimin doubtly accepting it, I mean who drank coffee at this hour? He stared continuosly as the man sit right beside him. The man he talked to hours ago.

   " Its not polite to stare a man that helped you that way," he  sipped his coffee. " O-oh sorry, I didn't mean to-," Jimin quickly looked away, earning a chuckle from him,    "Don't take it seriously. I'm kidding,"

   "T-thanks for the coffee," he lifted up the cup and took a sip of it. The man beside nodded, " Since we didn't have a good introuduction just now, I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi " he said, offering a hand shake. "Park Jimin," Jimin replied, shaking his hand , like every people do when they introduce themselves.

" Thank you for helping me just now , in the cafe," Jimin shyly said, looking down.
"Its nothing," Yoongi answered, suddenly standing up. "Where are you going?" Jimin followed him, still holding his half left coffee. "Just," he arched his back lightly,      " enjoying the midnight air. Don't you wanna see the beauty of this park?"

" Uum Hyeong?" Jimin muttered , voice almost inaudible. "Hmm?"
"Could we be f-friends?" He finally managed to gather his strength to ask that question, that is actually a usual question for everyone. He just felt a weird feeling of adorement to Yoongi , which made his heart beat  faster, but he shrugged it away at last. The older stopped walking, Jimin could see a bunch of unreadable emotions in his eyes in sudden. "Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm so-"
"Why not," Yoongi gave him a light smile, "Do you want to go home? I'll drive you home."


" Thanks, Hyeong. I'll get in, goodnight," Jimin took his back, as he stepped out of the car. "Goodnight," Yoongi replied.
Jimin watched as the blue car drove away. It was abit awkward in the car, most like they didn't say any words, since Jimin was scared if he asked the wrong question again. He was sure Yoongi was uncomfortable although he said he was just   fine.

Jimin laid down on his bed, its already twelve but he was still awake because of three things : first was the caffeine that made him stay awake for almost one hour, second Yoongi and third his mysterious eyes. He tried to shrug it all of, closing his eyes.

Just seconds before he drifted off, his phone buzzed out of nowhere, Jimin groaned, unwillingly opened his eyes back.

Message from Creppy Guy :
- How was your day?

Hello :) I'm back.
So sorry its a bit short today
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I love you all 💕💕
I apologize for typos or mistakes.

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