Chapter 25

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Guys Im back
I just couldn't let the story hanging.
Its haunting me every night lol.


Yoongi's POV

  I don't know how long I've been standing in front of his apartment, smiling like an idiot while the image of him  yesterday kept wandering in my mind. But once I snapped out, checking the time on my phone, I know I'll be in trouble.

Holy crap
I am going to be late.

   I made an appointment with the theraphist at 7 sharp, but here I am. What am I even doing? I haste to the main street, cursing myself of being stupid af.

   I should have taken my car to the reparation whenever I had time. But damnit my body keeps saying no everytime I feel like going outside. If its not because of this whole theraphy shits I believe in -
I sighed, at least this is for him too. Well, lately I felt  better. I seldomly had my headache anymore.   Beside, being right in front of him made me feel somehow even better.

I have no time to think about this.
I. Am. Freaking. Late.

    I looked around. There's no sign of any taxi coming to this area. The bus station is far and even if its here, I won't take a bus. People are so annoying and they're as noisy as if its the last time they will have a chance to talk. The image of me sitting on the bus make me feel dizzy already.

I shook my head. Fine, since I only have one last option, which is probably not my thing.

I should run.

Well, its better than arriving late and waiting for another hour. Hell no.

Okay Yoongi, you can do it.
I let out a groan, slightly stretching my arms and legs. And just when I am about to complete a 'runner' pose, a black car approaches, slowly pulling over. I have already known exactly whose car that is without even trying to check whoever is sitting on the driver's seat through the black window.

Double crap.

I pretend not to know, and quickly walk away, speeding up each steps taken. I know that car is still following me, and of course I couldn't beat a car's speed.

"Yoongi Hyung!"


-----------------  ಠ◡ಠ  -----------------

     Jimin lets out a giggle while he stares at me. "Just tell me where you're going Hyung, I thought you're ignoring me."

"N-no I'm not. I thought someone weird is following me," I quickly answered. He seems to not believe me fully. I give him a nervous smile,"So how do you see me there- I-I mean, since when are you there?" I must look very stupid if he really was there watching me all the time.

"I saw you in front of my apartment when I was on the way to the car."

I may look very calm at this moment but inside, I'm freaking out. Have he seen me since the beginning?!

"At first I thought I was wrong. I followed after you and turns out it's really you Hyung," he doesn't seem to be suspicious as he spoke, which is really a relief, "So I was thinking if I could offer you a ride too, for yesterday."

"By the way Hyung, why are you going to the clinic? Are you sick or anything?"

"I- Its nothing. I just want to get some regular medicine. They say I had to get it directly there," I find it really hard to sort out a make sense reason, but of course I couldn't tell him the truth. No matter how worried he seems to be, I pretend not to give any shit of it. I fixed my position, head looking out of the window so he will stop asking me questions I couldn't answer honestly.

I'm sorry Jiminie.
Please wait for a lil bit longer.

Yea guys.
Hello again 🙃

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