Chapter 11

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Unknown's p.o.v

I woke up with the same feeling in my head.
Blinking my heavy eyes, I try to check the time on my laptop which was showing clips recorded by the hidden cameras.

He's not in the cafe, nor at the studio, no wonder, its 4 at the morning. My hungry stomach managed to force me getting up from the desk. Its too early to order food online, so I have no choice left.

After bath, I decided to buy breakfast near my neighbourhood. I'll better hope that I won't meet any neighbour  or anyone else who'd ruin my whole day-quite-good mood.

But I was so unlucky.

" Yoongi?" I heard a voice calling me. Crap. Who was calling my name? He sure know me. Damn, I shouldn't forgot to put on a mask. When I'm still questioning myself, I felt a hand touching my shoulder, gently, but it made me looked up by reflex, of course forgetting  the risk who I'll ran up to.

"W-who are you?"
A 50 years old man, which face was a bit familiar, but still I couldn't figure it at the moment. He was smiling generously, but seconds later it turned to a frown, " You didn't recognize me, Yoongi?"
He mustn't greeting a wrong person. He knew my name exactly, yet his face was familiar. Come on brain.

"The neighbour when you lived in Daegu, didn't you remember?"
That was when I remembered him, that Ahjussi who lived beside my house when I'm 7.

When I had the worst memories in my whole life.

- - - - - - -  - - - - - - flash back
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It was raining heavily. That night, everybody was sleeping  comfortably - but not with little Yoongi. He was curling up outside of his house, hiding under the rooftop due to the heavy rain. His body is all wet , shivered by the cold wind.

And thats not all , the poor little kid body was full of  bruises and scars , his mouth bleeding, hair messy. He cried so softly ever despite all the pain he had, he's afraid that his father would be awake.

Min Yoongi , his name, had a bitter life when he was only 7 , when all kids received love from their parents on that age. He didn't - his parents divorced when he was 5,  his brother with his mom , he lived with his father. Not like the other child, little Yoongi never had good memories with his family, he even didn't remember his mother's face clearly.

Ever since he lived with his father, his life became worse. His father, who worked as an employee with small salaries, often got stressed and plus , he'd always got home after drinking much of alcohol, drunk.
Whenever his father get mad, he's the victim. He got beat up unmercily, anything his dad found; belt , rattan , bat . If he cried more, his father will threathen him with the broken-wine bottle, not worrying of his own son to be injured.

The sky was dark. The rain had finally stopped. But the poor child, his eyes was swollen. And he was really hungry. His dad was back home at night, drunk as usually. He kicked yoongi out of the house, threathening him if he dare to cry loudly.

But it was better this night, when all his vision was dark already, a faint voice called him, shaking his body slowly. With his last energy, little Yoongi forced his eyes to open. Its his neighbour- if he was not wrong.

" Poor little kid, why are you here outside the house ? Its cold and you must be hungry, why don't we come to my house, my wife will cook something delicious and , oh- you're wounded little kid, common, lets get inside," the man helped him to stand up, and although his feed was trembling, Little Yoongi tried his best to stand, no matter how his steps scratched. He had no more choice left beside following the man.

That generous man brought little Yoongi to his warm house, and as what he said, a woman , which was his wife gave him food, and they even treated his wounds.

He felt alot better that night, after a short talking to his just-met neighbour. His stamina was back. They had known that this happened to Little Yoongi, but they couldn't help beside of feeling pity. Some of the neighbours have tried to stop little Yoongi's father , but it didn't work.
That night, they even allow him to sleep in their house.

That happened until he's 15, when he had the sense to think, when he understood everything. He decided to run. Escape from all those suffers he'd received for ten years.

So that day on the afternoon, after stealing some money from his father's drawer, he ran out of the house. At first, he planned not to telling anyone , but he changed his mind.

"Ahjussi, ahjumma, I ... decided to leave.  since this day, we won't meet anymore," thats a hard sentence to tell, they're like a family for him, but he didn't want to burden them again, even though they had offered him to be their child-since they didn't have one- , he refused. After a warm hug, he left, with some more money they gave.

He did any work to own money for himself, then moved to Seoul , forgetting his past.

end of flashback - - - - - - - - - - -

" Ahjussi... ," I said in a low, hoarse voice, not able to hold back my tears. I've never cried for years, especially with a mixed feeling, I was happy to meet him again, but kind of mad , not wanting those memories to come back.

Those unwanted memories.

A/N : Suprise :) I'm not dead yet.
So i kinda got some ideas so I write it down before I forgot them and there's  Yoongi on whole episode 😝😝 

And yes

Thanks for you all who read and vote for my story. Ily ❤


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