Chapter 38

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This must be updated together with yesterday's chapter 😱 I forgot I'm sorry

"If you're messing with Jimin, you're messing with me,"
Those words keep bouncing around in my head.

That is the creepiest sentence someone has ever said.
But why do I feel different? Why does it feel kind of nice to have him say those words?What does he mean by "my" ?
It's what he said all the time on the chats but why doesn't hearing it makes me scared or disgusted?

I shook my head. What's with this sudden thoughts am I out of mind?

I'm brought back to my attention when yoongi lets out a laugh echoed around the vast room.

Standing in front of me is a psycho. Actually, I'm not sure either any of them is normal.

"Hyung, no." I demand.

"Jimin open your eyes. They're bad guys and they deserve it ."

"And killing them doesn't make you any better than them. Police are coming, we can let them settle the rest. You're not being the person I know."

At first, I thought I succeeded to convince Yoongi. His expression seemed to be loosen, so did his grip. He turned Queen around, rammed a knee on her face and brought a foot hard against her head, knocking her out.

Well at least he doesn't kill.

But then I realized that the black hand-knife was still clutched in his hand.
"The Yoongi you know probably doesn't exist, Jimin. " and it's the last word I heard before he held the knife up to his own throat.

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