Chapter 21

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When Jimin arrived, the police station looked busier as what he thought it will be. Several police officer were passing through here and there, hands holding documents and things. But they weren't what Jimin was looking for. His eyes wandered, trying to find someone among the officers.
It took only few seconds for the blonde to find her. Queen was sitting in the corner of the room, sobbing with a slightly shaking body. The investigator who was consoling her asked some questions, but it didn't seem like they're helping much.

When she saw Jimin, her expression changed, but even minutes later, she wouldn't stop sobbing. Feeling that he has done his job, the investigator left, leaving both Jimin and Queen.

Even one victim survived,  police found only a few clues. The 20 years old dancer wasn't helping much.
And the most useful information she gave was, the culprit in a white mask, and the place where she was kidnapped was the backyard of an abandoned kindergarten, which was suprisingly her old kindergarten where she used to go.

Hoping for more clues, police rushed into the scene but unfortunately nothing was found. Although Queen wasn't sure if there was another victims around, she said that she didn't hear any voice beside the culprit's deep voice and cricket noises. All she knew was to survive. She maintained to cut the rope tying her wrist with a broken tool she found, and ran as fast as she could to the police station.

About thirty minutes later, her parents rushed in. They thank Jimin for looking after their daughter while they had some problems on work before hearing the news. And as kind as Jimin was, he nodded, and even agreed to stay with Queen until she was allowed to go home.

It has already been three when the interogation was totally done. Jimin had to phone his boss Namjoon to ask if he could take the night shift instead since it was too late to do afternoon shift which started at one o'clock. Namjoon laughed, telling him even when he didn't allow Jimin to, Jin had already covered up his shift. The blonde gave an innocent smile, but apologize at last and promised he would come on time.

After the call, Jimin felt a bit relieved that at least his boss was understanding him. Just when he was going to approach his car, his phone rang again. He thought it was Namjoon's call but it showed unknown number calling. Jimin picked it up anyways. But all he heard was inaudible squeaky noises.


There was no answer. The noise stopped, replaced by a man's devilish chuckle that went louder and louder. The blonde started to feel terrified, and after a few seconds later he decided to hang up.

He took a deep breath.
It may just be a spam call.

But it wasn't over. His phone rang once again. Feeling annoyed and terrified at the same time, he picked up and yelled, "Stop disturbing me!"


It seems like it wasn't the spam. The blonde frowned, checking the unknown caller ID. "It's me, Yeobin," the man accross spoke, voice weaken.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought-," Jimin answered, cursing himself, "I received an unknown call just now and I thought," he didn't continued his sentence, but a sigh of relief was let out.

----- ---------- ------

Jimin drove all the way to Nascitá, with the thoughts of what happened these few days.
There was no good news after Queen's. Police's hardwork seems useless, and so he intended to find Soo by himself, with a little help of Yeobin, who probably have some clues.

Yeobin himself had his younger sister as a victim who was the one and only that managed to escape and she was none other than, Queen.

It was quite suprising that things were even related to each other. The older thought that maybe Queen would told his brother more, since she must be in shock to tell everything to the police early.

"You come a little bit early now," Jin spoke as his fellow worker entered, eyeing his wristwatch. Jimin nodded,"I'm meeting someone."

"Damn you famous boy," the older mumbled, "I thought you're going to cover up your shift." Jimin chuckled, backing from the cashier table to find Yeobin.

It seems that he hasn't arrived yet, and Jimin decided to sit on any spot he'd like to, it was still five and that means he's still a customer.The ringtone of his cellphone made the blonde awake, if it was from Yeobin than he already knew what it was about.

But it wasn't.


Message from Creepy Guy:

Message from Creepy Guy:
-you've just worsen the problem.

Too lazy to do proofread im sorry 🌚

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