Chapter 12

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Author's P.O.V

"So , how have you been?" Ahjussi put his coffee down after taking a sip of it.

"Well," Yoongi nodded, "literally better without him."

"Forget the past Yoongi, oh by the way. My house's just few blocks from yours. Why hadn't we meet before?"

Yoongi took a bite of the pastry served, chewed on it slowly.

That morning, he canceled his plan to buy a breakfast and go to Ahjussi's house instead to have one , because, why not.

"Thats," he stay quiet for a moment," I kinda hate people."

"You got traumas?" the older asked, feeling suprised.

Yoongi nodded again, letting a sigh," Worse than a trauma I think. Ever after I ran away, those memory will come back anytime, and of course followed by a freaking headache."

"That's teribble," the older said.

"I know," Yoongi nodded , "but I'm used to it already." The older shook his head," No Yoongi, you still have a long life to live. You're still a young man. Why don't you go to have some kind of theraphy?I'm sure it'll help."

"Oh I tried two years ago.But it didn't work," Yoongi looked down. He did visit theraphist and does several theraphies ,but non of them really worked. His stress was reduced, but he kept having headaches and still feeling nauseaous. Feeling tired of it, Yoongi finally decided to accept it.

"A friend of mine is a well-known theraphist. Lets go there by tomorrow , Yoongi," the older said again, now with warm smile, which made Yoongi feel comfortable and safe, just like when he was five. He was the only one that made Yoongi felt that way.

---------------------time skip-------------------------

Yoongi's P.O.V
The next day

"You seem to have Social Anxiety Disorder," the theraphist said ,"and Dissociative Disorders ," I added . The opposite nodded,
"Could you tell me more about that? I need to diagnose your state," he continued.

" Well," I started to think, " My personality changed in an unexpected time, like anytime when I'm stressed,and the last time I remembered it happened was last week."

" Did you remember things you did when you're in another personality?" he asked. I shrugged,"No." His face was dissapointed until I decided to continue my sentence , "Maybe some of it, depends."
"Could you tell me about it ,then?"

I sighed heavily. Nobody'll be glad to hear this, but okay, since he's the one who asked me to. "What I remembered was I did crazy things like stalking and even hurting people." I hope he stop asking more because who would be in mood to describe anything about this.

But he didn't.
"Murdering?" He asked . I nodded. "I know, its common, I've heard alot of cases like this. But stalking is abit rare," he chuckled lightly.
" I don't know," I said, ignoring his chuckles, "I just like to do that things. They bring excitement to me. I just can't stop."

"Did they? Please tell me more, more like everything," he laughed. He must be joking. Is my story that interesting?
This is why I hated people. This is why I avoided people. They're hard to understand.

Fine then. "I stalked a guy, named Jimin."
I hope that's enough for him, but it never will. He stared at me, with a serious face, ready to listen to my next sentence, as his mouth whisper "a guy?"

"He was 22. And I was interested to him, I think," I stopped, but his face's expression haven't changed, still waiting.
"At first I just think he was good-looking and cute, but I ended up having him calling me creepy stalker. Stalking him was my only daily activity, beside eating and sleep of course. Sometimes I felt a strange possesive feeling for him , and sometimes I felt terrible for me myself to be a person like this."

"Did you ever meet him in person?"
I'm actually suprised that he has a quite and calm expression , despite the story I told him. Even me myself felt so horrible.
"Once . And I was in a normal condition," I said.

"How was it?"

"Well, I'm not sure but

I think I fell in love with him"

Hello guys. Im so so sorry for not updating for so long
This draft was made like weeks ago but my ideas just won't pop out :(

Oh yes and thanks for all your supports I really appreciate it like alot. Thankyou for reading my story
I luv you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Stalker || myg + pjm [Completed☑️]Where stories live. Discover now