Chapter 2

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Message from Unknown :
- You didn't.

Message from Unknown :
- but I know you, so so well.

You :
- No , you didn't , you even can't tell who are you .

Message from Unknown :
- oh common .

Message from Unknown :
- I'm watching you . You're going to that café to work right

Message from Unknown :
- oh and that white Tshirt you wear, those rip jeans 👀

Message from Unknown :
- pretty.

Jimin frozed, looking around . There were few pedestrians on the street, and no one was holding a phone, nor looking suspicious.

Message from Unknown :
- you looking for me?

You :
- What do you want ?

Message from Unknown :
- me ? I want you.

You :
- excuse me?

He sighed, that is very frustating. Locking his phone, he entered the cafe. "Good morning," a friendly sound greeted.

"Oh,good morning,Jin hyung . Sorry if Im a bit late," Jimin greeted back, the smell of freshly brewed coffee made him forgetting what was happening before he entered the cafe,
"Where's Namjoon hyung?"


" YAH PARK JIMIN OPEN THE DOORRR, " tae shouted , while Jungkook was knocking on the door, more like destroying Jimin's apartment door .

" Can you two just slo-"

" Hey Jimin. We brought you some snacks," Jungkook showed up just exactly when the door is clicked opened, cutting off whatever Jimin is going to say. "Lets play PS , common tae," the maknae draggs tae inside, ignoring the room's owner, who's still standing in front. The elder sighs,closing the door back.

When he come inside,Tae and Jungkook was sitting in the sofa and turned the PS on, ready to play. Jimin shooks his head, sitting beside tae," When will both of you stop being addicted to games ?"

" Nooo NOT TODAYY , more like neVEr, " taehyung replied, still not lowing down his voice.
"Alright,but can you please don't scream just for once ? You guys can't even stay calm a lilbit."
After dating Jungkook, Taehyung got hyper and love games even more, just like his lover.

" I have to meet Hobi tomorrow." Jimin said , unlocking his phone. There was a message received recently. He suddenly remembered the messages he received in the morning. With a nervous sigh, he clicked on the message .

Message from Unknown :
- having fun with your friends ?

Its him again. What did he want from me? Jimin was so afraid right now.What if he hurt me? His phone buzzed again.

Message from Unknown :
- are you afraid babyy?

You :
- No, I'm not.

You :
- Are you drunk?

You :
Thats so cringy. I don't
even know you.

You :
Stop. bothering .me.

Message from Unknown :
- Alright, I'll just call you Jimin. Anything you want.

You :
- Then leave me alone.

Message from Unknown :
- I won't.

You :
- WHY ? You keep ignoring my questions!Who are you? What do you want from me ?

Message from Unknown :
- who am I ? You can call me anything you like. And I told you already I want you :)))

You :
- okay I'll just call you Stalker. And stop wanting me, Im not a thing you can own.

You :
- You crazy psycho!

Message from Unknown :
- I don't care. You'll be mine soon later. 😉😉

You :
- How did you know I was here with my friends ?

Message from Unknown :
- I told you right,Im watching you . Everyday , everytime .

Such a creep. Jimin threw his phone to the table . His breath and heartbeat was so fast. His hands were trembling.

He was scared.

"Whats happening?",Jungkook asked, eyes still on the Tv screen and his PS. "Huh ? Nothing. I'll go out to check something for a while." Both of them just hummed and continued with their games .

Slowly , Jimin opened the door peeping outside . There was no one in his flat,did he came here? He then turned back ,closing the door. "Why did you look so nervous?" Taehyung questioned, but eyes still on the tv screen,"YAH JUNGKOOK DONT STEAL MY WEAPON !"
Sigh. when will they finish their game?
"No, somethin unimportant,I'll prepare dinner," he answered.


" Bye Jimin !" Tae waved to Jimin , " Thanks for the dinner "
" Bye Tae,bye Kook!"
Jimin waved back,locking the door . He went to his room and changed into pyjamas . Its already 9 at night but he didnt feel sleepy yet. So he turned the Tv on , watching some movies that maybe will help him asleep .

After half an hour of watching tv , his eyes were getting heavier and heavier. Buzz ! His phone rang again . WHAT AGAIN NOW? He was going to sleep already. Lazily, he clicked on the message.

Message from Unknown :
- Haven't asleep yet

You :
- I was going to. Please don't make me have any nightmare.Bye.

Message from Unknown :
- Don't be so mean :/ Do you think I'm that creepy?

A/N : I try to make it longer than the previous one. Sorry if its bad :/

Oh and also go add feliciaalex and check out her cool stories (She helps me alot with this story's idea) 👀

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