Chapter 35

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"You should have mind your own business from the start, Hyung."

The moment I heard the voice, a feeling of disbelief and shock hit my body. Those two finally stopped in front of me with unreadable expressions on their faces.

I let out a weak chuckle ,
"what the fuck?"

"Just as what you think it is, Hyung," the red-haired boy spoke, squatting down trying to connect our eyes.

I looked away now to his sibling, whose fake scream just tricked me to this trap, Queen.
She has a satisfying smile as she stares at me, almost innocently , then to his brother.


"Why?" I asked, even though I know I don't want to have the answer to why I am such a stupid to believe them just because I am trying to protect the Juniors to the point that now I couldn't even protect myself.

The two siblings in crime shrug, looking at each other, then to Yoongi, who doesn't seem to show any sign of movements.

" this isn't fun," Queen protested to his brother.

"I thought he has told you all, Hyung," The boy in front me speak, playing with a wooden bat with vain blood stains on it in his right hand.

It is either my blood, are Yoongi's ,
or ours both.

"That bitch should  watch her dear hero struggling here," the red-blonde- haired girl lets out a that every antagonist characters on the movies have,

" but it's too late."

Stalker || myg + pjm [Completed☑️]Where stories live. Discover now