Chapter 23

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Seongdong Kindergarten.

"Damn it's dark," Yoongi muttered, turning his phone's flashlight on, handing it to Jimin,who almost tripped due to the bumpy ground,"help yourself."

It has been minutes since the three daring boys- actually two excluding Yoongi who oddly barged in unlike the usual cold and unagressive person he is- entered the seedy kindergarten building which had been abandoned for almost ten years. Luckily, there was no police sign placed nor patrol guards around the area, which means, they're free to enter.

The electricity had probably went off since long time ago, but droplets of water could still be heard far away, echoing around the whole building. Jimin stood closer to Yoongi, suddenly feeling terrified by the sound.

The black-grayish hair man chuckled, looking at the younger who turned from the high-spirited into a timid state. "I like timid Jimin better," he teased. Jimin blushed, but still hiding himself behind Yoongi while holding on his phone. "Hyung, I think you'll be needing this more. You're walking fast as if you could see everything in front of you," Jimin offered, handing the older's phone back to his owner since it was really dark and afraid Yoongi might tripped too

"Nah, I'm good," he shoved his phone back to Jimin, walked even faster forward leaving the blonde,"I'm used to it."

"Used to what? Tripping?"

Yoongi could only let out a sigh at the innocence of the younger, "No, you fool."

"Wait up, Hyung. Yeobin is still checking another classes back there." Jimin would like to chase the fast-walker-in-the-dark Yoongi but he didn't want to risk himself falling on the cold and hard ground.

Yoongi stopped for a while, looking back.

"Nope,he's gone upstair."

"He's still there," Jimin argued, pointing to the classroom behind he last saw Yeobin. He called out his name, but Yoongi was true.
There was no answer.

"Come on,"the older spoke,"you don't want the bathroom ghost to come out and haunt us down don't you?"

"Hyung!" Jimin hissed, punching Yoongi's back. It was dark but he was sure that Yoongi was smiling, probably enjoyed the whole teasing he did to Jimin, "Stop it," he mumbled pouting.

"No, you're way too cute to stop me." Yoongi whispered under his breath, but still audible for the younger, who,again, blushed after hearing it.

Yoongi hold the boy's tiny wrist, pulling him to walk along.

"Let's go. Your friend might be afraid waiting up there alone."

Ok so thats all I had in my mind.

Joking 🌚

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