Chapter 30

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"No!" Jimin yelled, " stay away from me!" he hung up, slightly slamming his phone on the nightstand.
The blond ran his hand through his hair for like the seventh time, and since he wasn't sleepy anymore, he got up from his bed, intending to have some water when his phone rang again. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't scared, but what he knew he had to act brave.

So after collecting every courage he  needed, he picked up the phone and shouted for him to be left alone. But it wasn't Yoongi hyung- no- it wasn't that creepy stalker.

" It-its Queen."

" Queen?s-sorry. I thought it was someone else."

" anything wrong?"

"No, I thought it's another prank call, what's the matter, Queen?"

"I- jimin-ssi, can you help me with something?"

"Sure thing. Are you feeling better now?"

"I do, but I still felt guilty. I woke up having a nightmare. I can't- I know Soo is out there and I'm the one who caused her in trouble."



"Queen, you don't have to blame yourself at anything. It's really not your fault."

"Jimin-ssi, would you please help me to search for Soo?"

"For that.. I think we have to let the police do their jo-"

"I know!"


" I know something is wrong. I didn't tell the police everything happened that night. I was threatened. I received a message stating if I report him, then he is going to kill Soo. I- I-"

"So you are staying that you perhaps recognized the kidnapper ?"

"I don't know. I'm too scared every time I think about this."

"Then what do you want me to do? It's just us both and we couldn't do anything huge. Besides, it's dangerous."

"My brother will help. H- he said he knows something too and he'll help us."


I HopE thIs MakE seNSE

I've been working on something so I couldnt edit this chapt 😭

Stalker || myg + pjm [Completed☑️]Where stories live. Discover now