Chapter 5| The life in me

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The days seemed to pass by incredibly slow as they made simple requests for us, although it was an easy task. They didn't aim for peace to make us do it, sometimes we had to work from the crack of dawn all the way to dusk. Without food or bathroom breaks, if we got the work done early than we could eat early.

I would sometimes accept Zahir's work on my behalf, making sure to convince them he did his work earlier than I did just so he could eat. Or at least rest more, so I wouldn't have to do anything else rather than just looking for documents on Zayn.

Part of me didn't wanna find them, just on the fact it wasn't my business.

Everything he's ever told me was based on him opening up to me, this was just a beyond invasion of his privacy. Something that was created to make him think he wasn't like anyone else, that he should be feared among people. That his 'aggressive' state was something to be worried about... I could only feel rightfully disgusted that it was made by mother at one point. Being added to his files.

It was almost hilarious to realize how alike our mothers are together, eh - they would be two damn peas in a pond. Both acting superior to the public as if they create miracles, choosing a destructive mechanism to perfect what may have flawed them.

The concept was very hard to think about in a way, his mother signing legal documentation that my mother can zap her son's brain to make him more pleasing.

Somehow I could only imagine the disappointment Zayn felt when it didn't work on him, constantly thinking about how none of this was going to make him feel wanted by his own mother.

God, if only we had met each other in a earlier state. He was older than me but I had a sense of understanding what he was going through...

The signal behind me buzzed loudly as someone entered the room, probably telling me to hurry up with my searching. I sighed, taking adjusting the stack of files I basically organized - putting them back in the folders. Two and a half hours wasted on this one, pushing the large crate away from me and grabbing another. Pulling out folders filled with new paper work that has yet to be discovered.

Reading through all of this was heartbreaking, the doctor notes and medication being done to these people. It was torture in disguise as treatment, I could only imagine what went through their heads while being trapped in this hellhole.

"How is my darling girl?" Floyd said enthusiastically, walking over towards me and leaning against the wall watching me work. When I didn't say anything he just chuckled to himself, before clearing his throat obnoxiously.

The guards jumped into full effect, gripping my arms painfully and standing me up to look him in the eyes. I tried pulling against them, planting my feet into the ground as they dragged me across the floor to stand in front of him. Closer than I wanted to be...

DESTRUCT (Book Two) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now