Chapter 33 | Make Amends

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It didn't take long for Zayn to come back with a harsh look on his face, which only meant a few things

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It didn't take long for Zayn to come back with a harsh look on his face, which only meant a few things. Part of me hoped that he didn't exactly do it, but I knew better to question that motive.

When in doubt, it was no telling since he kept a lot of things to himself. My eyes looked at him in question, trying to see if he had actually saw Vincent or not. But he just looked away from me, started the car and drove off. I kept quiet since I knew he was still hurt by what I said to him, but it was the harsh given truth that I felt.

There are times I wished he was different in a way that could make us stay together, and not have everyone attempt to tear us apart. But all it did was make me think, maybe we weren't meant to be together after all. Just stuck on feelings that happened because we were forced to be around each other, and tried to base our relationship off of that.

It's the given reason why I decided to stay with Caleb in the first place, because even though it had been just a couple of months. He is almost everything I would see in a guy, if I wouldn't have met Zayn. But the issue was, even though I knew deep down me and Zayn had a lot of problems.

But there was no doubt that I am still helplessly in love with him and it isn't going anyway, no time soon. Which made everything worse.

He parked the car in the middle of the drive way, before turning it off and staying inside. I looked at him sadly, fighting off the urge to ask if he was coming inside with me. But it was for the best if I just let him go do his own thing, he is mad at me and I wasn't ready to speak to him just yet.

I unbuckled my seatbelt before collecting all of my things, scooting closer to the door to open it. The moment my hand touched the clutch Zayn's car door swung open, he reached out to grab my thigh to stop me from leaving.

"He was sleeping." Zayn said lowly as he rested against the seat, while looking at nothing in particular.

My body tended up at the comment, trying to figure out what he meant by that. I dropped the handle, before turning fully around to face him slowly.

"And that means?" I asked softly, hoping that meant he didn't go through with it.

Zayn stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, my heart thumped against my chest in fast beats as he took a moment to recollect his thoughts. I decided not to rush him because I knew that he was probably debating on whether it was okay to talk to me, for a while this has been the main offender of our fights. And I was honestly tired of allowing this to be another thing to separate us even more, even if our situation is messed up. We're still friends.

"I didn't do it, Ryder." He announces before looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

Relief washed over me as I placed both of my books down, covering my face and thanking god over and over again that he didn't go through with it. Maybe it should've been something that I should allow to happen, but with everything that's been happening lately. He didn't deserve to be confronted like that, especially not after the recent events.

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