Chapter 49 | The maker of his fate

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Guys, we have one chapter left, just before I post details about the 3rd book! You are gonna love this next installment, this one has been a real one though.

Guys, we have one chapter left, just before I post details about the 3rd book! You are gonna love this next installment, this one has been a real one though

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Due to my little outbreak in the court room, the judge had offered a small recess for everyone to get a little break. Just because it was so intense that you could feel it linger in the air, and it is why I reacted the way I did after seeing him.

My mom sat beside me while Erica stood off to the side, attempting to make sure that I had drank all of the disgusting nutrients provided. I couldn't exactly handle anything else, because my body hasn't been producing much energy.

She gave me a multigrain bar right after the bland Styrofoam cup of decaf green juice that she had brought for herself, making sure that I get my sugar levels high enough to be able to survive the next couple of hours.

"Are you sure that you'll be able to do this, I'm not doubting you at all. But this worries me a lot, Rye." Erica said in a soft voice, not trying to draw attention to me.

But that was inevitable because people had already been staring at me, I just gave up on paying attention to any of them. It was going to happen regardless or not, which is why I had gave up on trying to keep to myself about this.

"Yeah, I'm okay." My eyes lifted up to her, as a fake grin spread across my face. "The room had just got a little hot, it was sort of unbearable. I am okay now, though."

She didn't believe me one second, which is why I looked at her to make sure that she dropped the entire thing. Okay, maybe it wasn't good for me to be here, but I was requested and came to set the record straight. Not only from him, but myself included and the baby growing inside of me.

"I told you, she was perfectly fine." My mom had chirped with a smile, before grabbing her purse and looking between us. "Don't be such a drama queen, my girl can handle anything."

My mom bent down and placed a kiss on my head, standing back up and looking between us as if we were just wasting time. The situation had made her a little too happy, even if it was inappropriate. But nothing had clicked for her.

"Well?" She muttered looking back and forth between Erica and I, as if we should've gotten up as well. "Come on you two, we don't have all day." Her hand clapped as us, as if it would make the both of us move a little faster.

Sometimes I swear only person that had even mattered to her, was herself majority of the time. There is nothing even surprising about it, just made me feel sad that she won't cooperate.

"You go ahead, we need a moment." I sighed in pure disappointment, realizing that all of this had only been about her. My problem hasn't even cross her mind at all, which is the issue.

The expression on her face simmered, right before someone from across the room signaled her over to talk. She hesitated before her lips pursed in a nonchalant matter, giving me a sharp look on her face while raising a hand at me.

DESTRUCT (Book Two) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now