Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Reader: The Future

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"Damn," you muttered as you checked your watch, "Late again."

Your heated breath trailed behind you as you trotted through the cold winter air, the neatly tied furoshiki bag in your hand swaying with each step. You turned the corner and began to slow your place as your eyes met with a familiar lanky figure. A gentle smile crossed your cheeks as you approached said figure, still trying to catch your breath.

"Sorry I'm late," you huffed, tucking some stray hairs behind your ear.

The frenzy-haired blonde never really smiled too much (well, not in this form anyway), but you could see the slight glimmer of happiness in his eyes upon laying his gaze on you,

"I was starting to worry. I thought I'd have to go lookin' for ya."

You chuckled, "Typical Yagi. Always worrying."

Suddenly, the delicate man transformed into a hulking mass of muscle.

"What're you--"

Before you could say another word, the brute quickly scooped you up, his grin stretching from ear to ear, "All right! You ready?"

You squirmed in his strong arms, "W-Wait! Why can't we just use the doOORRAGHHH!"

Before you knew it, Yagi had leapt from the ground straight into the air, well above the building you once stood in front of. Yagi let out his signature hearty All Might laugh as you squealed into his massive chest, one hand gripping his coat while the other clutched your bag.

Just at the very peak of his jump, you both hung in mid-air just for a moment, almost like you were suspended in time. You peeked from the security of Yagi's chest and caught a small glimpse of the sparkling cityscape below, its organized maze of lights distracting you only for a moment.

Still, the whiff of peace was short lived when you suddenly began to feel the weight of falling welling in your stomach. You squeaked and once again buried your face, holding on to Yagi for dear life as your stomach rose into your throat with each centimeter you fell.

Just as you thought this would never end, that queasy feeling abruptly ended and was paired with a comforting thud of solid concrete.

"Haha," Yagi gently placed you down, you wobbling on your feet in a daze, "Wasn't that fun?"

You shook your head out of your air-sickness and immediately furrowed your brows, "I thought I told you not to do that anymore!"

The almost seven-foot-tall man laughed, "But hearing your terrified, girly screams is priceless!"

You growled and promptly punched his rock-hard stomach, to which he didn't even flinch. You huffed, puffing your cheeks out in frustration.

Suddenly, Yagi's built frame slumped, blood streaming from his grinning lips. You lunged forward by instinct just as Yagi poofed back into his normal state. He coughed a mass of blood and gripped his chest in pain.

You frantically handed him a handkerchief, "Here."

Yagi grabbed it with a shaky hand and wiped of the thick, ruddy liquid from his face.


The now scrawny man took a seat on the concrete and sighed, refusing your worried stare, "Don't worry. I'm fine."

You gazed down at him for a moment before taking your rest beside him. Despite his words, you knew he wasn't ok, but Yagi's pride prevented him from admitting the pain he was in. You worried about him more than anything else, but you still bared a smile for his sake.

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