Tenya Iida x Reader: Handsome

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A/N: This was kind of a silly, but cute idea I had one night while I was scrolling through Pinterest. I was looking at pictures of Iida and just thought, "Man, Iida is really handsome!" So, here we are. I really do enjoy writing for him. I know I have a few requests that asked for more side characters, so hopefully I can get to those soon. Agh, I've got so much to do nowadays...anyway! Please enjoy!


It was around six in the evening when Iida heard a knock on his dorm door, his eyes immediately brimming with life and he shot up from his chair. He rushed to the door and promptly opened it, not making his guest wait a moment longer.

"Hey, Iida!"

Iida's lips instantly curved into a bright smile at the sight of his lovely classmate, which just happened to be you,

"Hello, (l/name)!" he gave a firm bow, "Have you brought the refreshments as requested?"

You chuckled and held up a case of Rumin waters,

"Of course."

Iida gestured for your entrance and you happily stepped in his extremely neat room.

"Please have a seat wherever you like, (l/name)."

You opted for his bed. It was really well made and looked comfortable, the best environment for you to study in!

"Thanks, Iida," you said with a bright smile.

The intelligent young man's cheeks flushed as a smile tugged at his lips, nodding sternly before taking his seat at his desk.

As you were getting your stuff out of your bag, the sudden thought about this whole situation came to mind.

Iida was a pretty smart guy, helpful and reliable...yet, why were you the only one he invited to study with him? Wouldn't it have been more effective to have the others who were bad at English here too?

Maybe he just didn't want to crowd his dorm.

After a few minutes into your studying, you were already having trouble with one sentence.

"Iidaaaa," you said in a sort of sing song voice,

"I need help."

It wasn't even a second and Iida was already sitting at your side,

"What is it, (l/name)?"

You laughed under your breath,


"Ah, um, I'm just having trouble with question two."

"Oh," he smiled smugly and adjusted his silver-frame glasses,


While Iida was explaining the complexities of the English language, you couldn't help but stare at him. You tried to listen, but you couldn't pull yourself away. He was really attractive up close! His eyes were so pretty, a beautiful, charming blue. You admired the clean nature of his indigo hair, so neat and precise and not to mention how nicely satisfying his square jawline was. You thought his brows were adorable in the way they pointed sharply, a perfect match to his personality.

"You're really handsome, Iida."



Your heart sank as those words inadvertently slipped from your lips. Your face burned so hot you started to sweat,

"Ah! Umm...! I mean, I'm sorry I-I don't know where that came from...!"

Iida was just as flustered, his cheeks tinted a dark cerise and his eyes as wide as saucers. All you wanted was to hide, but for some reason your body wouldn't let you move, so you just slapped your hand over your trembling mouth and didn't face the boy beside you.

The air was silent, but tense, your thoughts racing through your head,

I can't believe I just said that! Oh my God, he's gonna think I'm so freaking weird for saying that so out of the blue! Why did I have to go and gawk at him?

Iida cleared his throat and spoke with a slight shake to his usually confident voice,

"I'm... really glad you think that, (l/name)."

You blinked in surprise and turned to face Iida again, your hand slowly descending from your face,

"...you are?"

The boy pursed his lips and nodded firmly, adamant on not making eye contact with you,

"I..." you leaned in as he struggled with his words,

"I think you are attractive as well."

At that moment you couldn't help but grin like a dumb nerd as those words glided on his voice like a gentle wind. Your heart was leaping from your chest. He thought you were pretty! Haha, suck it self-doubt!

You chuckled nervously,

"Thank you, Iida..."

The air went silent as you both wondered what to do next. Should you talk about this more? I mean, this was kind of a big deal. You brought your gaze back down to your book,

"Umm...we should... probably get back to studying, huh?"

Iida was mute for a moment before he cleared his throat,

"Ah, yes. We definitely should," his voice grew back to it's usual confidence,

"Every second counts when you're studying!"

You smiled and this time listened as he again explained the problem, though this time he was much softer, making it a point to make eye contact with you every so often. It was really embarrassing, yet so sweet.

Time passed and you both were still thinking about what had been said. Did this mean you two were gonna be...a thing? Or was that still too early? Well, it didn't really matter now anyway.

Tomorrow's English test was much more important. You were going to show Iida that not only did you have the looks, but were smart, too!

No man could resist a intelligent woman after all!

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