Izuku Midoriya x Reader: Portrait of You

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UPDATE: It's come to my attention that I misspelled Ashido in this fic. Well, I already knew that ages ago. You guys keep getting upset over and being rude about it and you know what? I ain't changing it. Hope you enjoy the story for what it is anyway!


"I like you, (l/name)."

Your eyes widened and your cheeks heated at the sound of those words entering your ears. Midoriya's captivating green eyes stared deeply into yours as he inched ever so close to your face.



"ARGH!" You shot up in your bed and instinctly slammed down on your alarm clock. You sighed and placed your hand over your face.


This was the third time this week.

"Who's Izuku?"

You jumped at the voice and looked up only to see your little sister hovering at the edge of the bed. Your cheeks flushed,

"It's no one."

"Izuku sounds like a boy's name. Is it a boy?" your sister badgered, a coy tilt in her head.

"N-No. It's not a boy," you scoffed, "Just get out of here!" you said, your cheeks getting hotter by the second.

The little imp gasped and grinned mischievously, "You have a crush on Izuku!"

"W-What? No I don't...! We're just friends."

"Aha! So it is a boy!"

"UGH," you got up and grabbed a pillow, ready to knock the stuffing out of the evil devil child in disguise, "I said get out!

She squealed and ran out as quick as a cheetah,

"Moooom, (f/name) has a crush on Izuku!" you heard the tattletale say from afar.

You groaned and slumped back down in your bed.

This reoccurring dream of Midoriya was such a hassle. Yes, you did indeed have a crush on the adorable, green-haired teen, but this dream was making it hard to even be around him. You couldn't even look at him without thinking of it.

You exhaled and rose from the comfort of your bed,

"Guess I should get ready."


"Damnit, damnit, damnit!"

You rushed down the hallway almost out of breath, clutching your book bag. You had spent the whole morning trying to convince your mother that you did not have a crush on Midoriya (which was a pointless conversation because she didn't even know who he was), but it was pretty much futile since she always took your sister's word as the word of god.

You skidded and roughly turned the corner. Your eyes widened as you saw someone directly in front of you. You tried to stop, but it was already too late and braced yourself for impact.


"Ouch..." You rubbed your head, but then quickly sat up, "Oh my gosh. I-I'm so sorry!"

The slumped figure moaned and slowly sat up, your chest tightening at the sight of that messy head of green hair.

"I-Its ok", Midoriya opened his eyes and instantly smiled, his adorable freckles beaming in the morning light, "Oh! H-Hey (l/name)," He stood up and quickly lended you a hand.

Your cheeks burned as you looked up at the cheery boy, shyly taking his hand. It was so soft and warm.

"Thanks," you said with a tiny smirk as he picked you up without much effort.

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