Shouto Todoroki x Reader: The Only One For Me

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A/N: A more angsty Todoroki story. I was feelin' real sad that day so this was the product. I think i'm starting to develop a crush on Todoroki now. TmT Kill me.

"Hahahaha! You think you can hold that force field forever?" The seven-foot-tall villain grinned so sinisterly that it made your blood run ice cold, "I'll smash right through your little body before you even get a chance to scream."

You desperately grit your teeth and forced your energy out with as much brute strength as you could muster. The civilians trapped behind you cowered in the corner, feared tears streaming down their cheeks. Your legs screamed as you stomped forward, your hair dangling messily in front of your dirt-smeared face,

"If you think you can're more of an idiot than I thought!"

The crazed villain growled and let out a piercing battle cry as his enhanced metal fists slammed into your force field with malicious force. You grunted at each blow, your head starting to slowly spin as your limit soon approached.

'I can't...hold on for much longer.'

You looked back at the civilians, tears starting to fill your own arms. Their faces screamed fear but their eyes held hope. Hope that you would save them. Hope that they would get to live another day. Hope that good would triumph evil. You couldn't let them down, but if you kept this up any longer than you were supposed to...

You'd die.

Suddenly, there a loud explosion that came from the wall just behind the villain. Everyone in the room stopped their movement and turned to the gaping hole in the wall, the bright white sunlight piercing through the black smoke that filled the air. You squinted your eyes as a lone figure walked through the light, not really making out who it was.

In a sudden flash, an entire sheet of ice covered the floor and latched onto the villain's feet.

"Bwahahaha! You think this ice can stop me!?" The villain smashed the ice with a single blow of his fist, "You're gonna have to do better than--"

In a quick second the figure sprinted towards the villain, his right arm blooming with a fierce red fire. You stared in awe as he face palmed the villain and slammed him to the ground in a flurry of smoke and flames. The villain screamed as the fire scorched his face until eventually, he stopped his movement and was still.

The room went silent, the only sound being the creaky sounds of the building and the crackle of the ongoing flames. You let down your force field and stared at the hero in complete shock. Now that he was in the light of the flames, you could see exactly who he was.

The man turned to you, his red and white strands of hair blew in the air while his mesmerizing two-toned eyes seemed to glow in the ash-filled air as he stared at you with a furrowed expression. He then turned to the civilians behind you,

"It's alright. You can go now," he said so calmly even your nerves were subdued.

The civilians hurried outside, not before thanking you and the mysterious man for saving their lives of course.

'It couldn't be.'

The hero started to walk towards you in a slow stride, your heart pounding louder with each step he took.


"(hero name)," he placed his hand on your shoulder and spoke softly, "Are you alright?"

You swallowed and turned down your gaze, "Yes...thank you."

He nodded humbly and slowly started to lead you out of that deteriorating building, the cops passing both of you up to check up on the villain, who just so happened to barely be alive by the skin of his teeth.

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