Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Reader: Hush Hush

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A/N: Yet another Toshinori story haha. I really have a huge crush on this goof so expect a bunch more haha. Others that are coming out are Bakugo (grumpy bean), Shoji (cute tall guy) and Izuku (dork) in that order. :D Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :3

A long sigh of exhaustion left your lips as you waited for the hot water to pour into your mug, the instant coffee mix turning the clear water a dark shade of ebony.

Finally the water stopped and you grabbed some creams and sugars off to the side. Just as you grabbed your mug, a thundering voice nearly blew out your eardrums,

"Good afternoon, (l/name)!"

Despite your hurting ears, a faint smile spread on your cheeks at the familiarity of the voice. You turned your weary gaze to meet the mass of a hard-bodied man. Your eyes panned up his ripped body until they meet with his dark eyes.

"Afternoon, All Might," you said in a low voice, shooting the hulking man a subliminal loving stare.

Toshinori blushed a bit, rubbing a finger under his nose, "So...(l/name)," he turned to the small number of teachers in the lounge, most just relaxing and minding their own business, "have you had lunch yet?" he said, slightly leaning down to your level.

You shook your head with a giddy smirk.

"Well!" he pulled out a small, colorful piece of paper, "I have a coupon for 20% off a meal exclusively for two people. Would you like to come and share this exciting offer with me?"

"That's sounds nice, but," your heart pounded a bit at his proposal, "Why do you want to take me?"

"Uhh," Toshinori started to sweat, realizing his blunder, but then shot up, "Because! You were closest to the door!"

You held in your laugh, "Oh...ok. I suppose I can go then."

Toshinori placed his hands on his hips and shook his head in feigned disappointment, "It saddens me I cannot take any of my other colleagues, but I must follow the rules of the coupon," he quickly shot to his usual "symbol of peace" attitude, "Well, there's no time to lose! Let's go, (l/name)!"

You chuckled as you followed the exuberant man out of the teacher's lounge, his uppity walk letting you know how excited he really was,

'What a dork...'


Up until now, you and Toshinori's relationship had been a secret. It was much too stressful for you to be in the spotlight alongside the famous hero. Toshinori worried for your safety as well as your privacy. Toshinori knew the press could be cruel even when it came to heroes, especially with their personal relationships. Still, it was a struggle trying to be together with this in mind. You'd both could only see each other either extremely late or extremely early in the day, lest any of your fellow peers caught you two together. You both understood the negatives of keeping this hush hush, but it was bearable and it's not like you were facing this alone. You had each other, after all.

"That was quite the show back there," you said with a smirk as you walked alongside Toshinori who was now in his true form.

He blushed and scratched his head of unruly blonde hair, "Yeah, well, I just...didn't want to flat out ask you out. I needed an excuse."

You tilted your head, "So the coupon thing wasn't real?"

He pulled the same vibrant paper out and smirked, "Nope. That was real."

You both shared a quick laugh, but then quieted to a pleasant silence. You slipped your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, your lips curved into a nervous smile as you felt a burn on your cheeks,

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