Inasa Yoarashi x Reader: Your Catalyst

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A/N: Hello! Been awhile since I've updated! Been taking a small break from writing for BNHA just cuz I wanted to write for my other fandoms. I'm back though! Raring to go and excited for season four! For now, I hope you enjoy this more reflective chapter of our lovely Inasa! I always knew he was super handsome from the jump so I'm happy I got this off my chest. Hope you enjoy! Plus Ultra!


It was just about dawn when the alarm on your phone rang out. Your brows furrowed as you reached over blindly to turn the annoyance off, sighing in relief when you finally did. There was a slight whirring from the sounds of the light rail passing below as well as the few cars that were on the road at this time in the day. The deep blue hue that coated the room seemed like you were in the ocean, floating and weightless.

Your eyes slowly blinked as you turned to your left. Even though it was dark, you could still see the sleeping mien of your boyfriend, Inasa. It was always funny to you to see him sleeping. He was usually so energetic and lively, but it was the total opposite when he was in his deep sleep. His expression seemed so tranquil and content, his lips slightly parted as his chest rose and fell with his wispy breath.

Seeing him like this made your heart throb every time, your face warming just a tad.

Sure, you may have been dating for a few years, but Inasa never ceased in making you feel utterly infatuated with him. He was such an enigma, so much personality in one body. He was always shining.

Your cheeks flushed darker as your eyes trailed along his chest. His muscles looked so powerful. You shuffled closer to Inasa and hesitantly touched your cheek to his chest. There was a nice warmth to him and the sensation of his heart beating against your skin made you feel a whole new level of calm.

You were about to close your eyes and drift right back to sleep cuddled up next to Inasa, but it wasn't even a minute before the alarm you unknowingly put on snooze went off yet again.

This time Inasa did wake up with a slight start,

"Good morning!" He yelled abruptly, making you jump.

You grabbed your phone and hit the dismiss button this time before turning to Inasa with a smile despite your slight disappointment,

"Good morning, Ina."

The male's lips curved wildly and he immediately scooped you into his arms, your face being planted right into his huge chest,

"God, (name), I love your smile!"

You blushed, but laughed,

"How can you be this energetic already?"

Inasa looked down at you with the grin of a loving goofball,

"Because I love you! Knowing I have you makes everyday worthwhile!"

Your heart skipped and you buried your face into his chest, a smile you couldn't help slowly crossing your lips,

"Stop making me blush..."

"But I want to! I want you to know how much I love you, (name)!"

Inasa continued to hold you and shower you with so many compliments you stopped counting how many times you said thank you.

In the midst of all this, all you could think about was how much you loved Inasa. In your mind, he was the one who always saved you. He knew exactly how to lift you up and make you feel like you could do anything.

He was your unwavering and faithful catalyst, and you couldn't have asked for anyone or anything else.

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