Mirio Togata x Reader: A Tiring Day

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A/N: A self-indulgent piece! I deserve a break from requests right!? *cry* OTZ Anyway! You guys!! Mirio is so cute and pure!! I instantly fell for him as soon as he appeared hee! >//w//< Prolly gonna write more for him later! If you have ideas for him please send them my way! My mind is barren when it comes to ideas.

Finally, the overly exhausting day of school was over. You were so tired that you could barely keep your eyes open as you walked alongside Mirio. You glanced up at him and your chest instantly warmed at the big and bright smile painting his face, his cerulean eyes shining with life unlike your own which were lined with dark, abysmal circles. It always amazed you how much energy Mirio had even after days like these. He really was a powerhouse of a guy. You sighed rather loudly and lazily leaned yourself on Mirio's broad shoulder, your arms dangling lifelessly at your sides.

Mirio laughed at the sudden weight on his side,

"You still alive?"

You groaned,


"Want me to carry you?" Mirio beamed, opening and closing his hands intermittedly.

Your face flushed as you frantically tried to dismiss his offer,

"N-No, I'm fine, really. You don't—"

Before you could retort anymore, your feet were swept from the ground like a newlywed bride. You blinked in surprise for a moment, but then your cheeks bloomed a deep red as soon as you realized what had happened.

"M-Mirio...! What're you doing?" you said, tugging at his uniform in a flustered mess,

"Everyone's staring...!"

"Hmm?" the blonde looked down at you with a wide grin, his brows perking at your reaction,

"What're you talking about? You wanted to be carried right?"

"No, I didn't! Were you even listening?"

"Yeah, of course I was. You definitely said you wanted to be carried," Mirio's grin softened to a gentle smile as he turned his gaze down to you,

"I know you're tired, (f/name). Just let me do this for you, ok?"

You pouted stubbornly and averted the caring look in his pretty blue eyes with a ruddy blush.


Mirio could read you so easily it was almost embarrassing...but then again, that's what made him so great. He knew exactly what you were thinking just by the slightest inflection in your voice or face and it made your relationship that much stronger...but still! It wasn't as fun that way!

You smirked and buried your face into Mirio's warm chest, your body growing heavier as you relaxed in his strong hold. It wasn't even a second before your drowsiness came over you again, your eyes slowly closing as you quickly drifted off to sleep in Mirio's arms.

A sudden warmth to your waist stirred you from your sleep. You shifted and barely opened your eyes enough to see in front of you.

"Hmm?" you hummed as you instantly noticed a familiar pair of eyes staring at you with a puffed smile.


"Ahh!" you jumped back, "Mirio!?"

It was at that moment that you realized you were in your dorm and in your bed...with Mirio! His arm was draped over your waist ever so casually as if this wasn't the most compromising situation you'd ever been in!

"What are you doing here!?" you whispered so your dorm neighbors wouldn't hear you.

"Oh, well, you fell asleep while I was carrying you, so I brought you back to your dorm," he chuckled and darted his eyes for a moment,

"But you just looked so pretty...I didn't want to leave!"

Your flustered state of mind simmered down at his words, your cheekswarming a bit. You smiled sweetly at the hopeless mess of a man and shuffled closer to him, giving his nose a faint kiss,

"You dork..."

Mirio's smile widened even more than it already was at the sensation lingering at his nose. He pulled you flush with him, exhaling softly at your petite warmth against him. The faint smell of your vanilla perfume filled his nose and he couldn't help but melt. He knew he should've been doing something more productive like training or studying, but he really didn't want to leave being in this insanely comfortable embrace with you.

All he wanted was to close his eyes and let the sound of your gentle breathing lull him into a deep sleepy slumber. One from which he would wake up to your shining, beautiful, breath-taking face...

The next day...

"So~? How was it~?" Sukiya said as you sat at the table for breakfast, in-between herself and Ria, your other dorm neighbor.

"How was what?" you said with a slight yawn.

"Don't play coy, (l/name)," Ria said, playfully poking your side.

"We heard you and Togata last night~" Sukiya said with wiggling brows.

It took you a minute to figure out what they were suggesting and when you did, your face burned hotter than a flame.

You waved your hands aggressively,

"H-Hold on! That is not what happened!"

As the girls continued to meddle with you, Mirio was just walking in. He noticed you instantly and stomped over in his usual carefree attitude.

"Hey, (f/name)!"

The entire group silenced at the bright boy's presence, Sukiya and Ria's face forming smug grins while you were just a steaming pile of red. Mirio did indeed notice the strange mix of faces, but still he stuck his hand out and gave a big thumbs up,

"We should totally sleep together again!"


Your friends laughed furiously at your stammering at your pleas for innocence, even Mirio let out a small chuckle as he whirled around and stomped off again. He always loved teasing you and seeing that adorable cherry blush on your cheeks.

Then again, maybe he just liked being a mischievous little jerk.

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