Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) x Reader: My Future (Part One)

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A/N: Oh goody another villain story. My third...AHH! I'm always so nervous posting these specifically because I always feel like I got it all wrong *cry* I mostly based it on how he talked to Mirio and Deku so...I hope it's good?? Please enjoy? LOL


Your nerves were jumping erratically and your heart was racing dramatically.

He'd be here any minute now...

As if to confirm your thoughts, there was a faint knock on your studio door. You froze, swallowing nothing but the dry feeling in your mouth.

"C-Come in."

The door opened and in stepped the catalyst of your anxiety: Chisaki Kai, the young boss of the Yakuza gang, The Eight Percepts of Death. He had his usual medical mask on. Just one of the plain white ones, the reason for his visit today. He ordered for you to make him a homemade mask designed just for his needs as a means to replace his current outdated one.

Chisaki's calm gaze meet yours and he smiled from under his mask, evident by the faint shape of his curving lips,

"Evening, Ms. (l/name)."

The soft tone of his voice sent a chill down your spine. You bowed accordingly,

"Good evening, young boss."

Chisaki huffed, like he was a little annoyed,

"You may call me Chisaki. Young boss makes me sound so mean, you know," he said, slowly walking around your small studio.

"R-Right," you nervously fixed some strays behind your ear. The young man was studying the small trinkets and fabrics you had laying around, his steps echoing out gently.

"So...would you like to see your new mask...?"

Chisaki's brows perked and he chuckled,

"Oh right, silly me, I got distracted,"

He walked over to where you stood and instantly locked his eyes on the mahogany and antique gold mask sitting on the desk. He was silent as he traced his gloved fingers along it's stitched edge, a silent breath escaping his lips.

You looked at him, hoping that this reaction qualified as good.

"I should probably try it on hmm?" he said so softly.

You simply nodded and unbuckled the strap before carefully lifting the seemingly delicate mask (as a safety precaution you made sure to have a clean pair of gloves on, so as not to upset the poor man). Meanwhile, Chisaki removed his plain surgical mask, you not daring to even sneak a peek at his bare face. You handed him the mask and waited before you brought your eyes upon him again.

You couldn't help but smile as you saw him wearing the very creation you worked so hard on. You quickly wore it away though,

"Does it feel comfortable? I made sure to put enough padding so it doesn't chafe or move."

Chisaki studied his profiles in the mirror behind him, still running his hands at his mask's seams,

"It's perfect."

Your eyes fluttered at Chisaki's approval,


Chisaki looked at you through the mirror,

"Yes, it's exactly what I wanted. Better even..."

For some reason, your cheeks felt warm and your hands clammy. You turned your gaze elsewhere,

"I'm glad..."

There was a small silence, then Chisaki's steps. He stopped right in front of you and shuffled an envelope out of his coat,

"I wasn't planning on coming here myself," he took your hand like it was a dainty, fragile thing and placed the envelope in it,

"But some part of me knew I should come meet the maker of my future image."

You somehow managed to look into the gang leader's eyes, their gentle look conveying genuine feelings.

This was so strange. You thought for sure he'd be much more violent. Why was he so calm, so nonchalant? More shockingly...why was he suddenly so handsome?

"Thank you, Ms. (l/name)," he said, snapping you from your thoughts.

You blushed at the touch of his hand under yours and nodded,

"I-It was my pleasure...Chisaki."

The man hummed, like he enjoyed hearing his name on your voice. Chisaki was just about to say something when again the door was knocked upon. Chisaki seemed annoyed at the sound, but couldn't ignore it. He sighed and turned to the side, letting go of your hand,

"Looks like I'll be leaving then."

You stayed quiet as he made his way to the door again, though he was quite slow about it. He reached for the knob, but hesitated. He looked over his shoulder for a split second, then finally opened the door,

"I'll be seeing you."

With that, Chisaki made his exit, leaving you there quite stunned.

Huh? I'll be seeing you? What... what's that supposed to mean!?

Despite your confusion, you felt... happy? The slightly fast-paced beating of your heart was unexpected and honestly a little scary.

You sighed and plopped yourself in your chair, fiddling with the leftover leather from Chisaki's mask. The envelope in your other hand felt so heavy, knowing the money was probably clean, but it felt dirty.

Still...it excited you. Sure, you made villains masks all the time, but this was different. The fact you were technically working with the Yakuza was more exhilarating than anything you'd ever experienced.

You smirked and laid your head on your desk, suddenly remembering how little sleep you got while working on the mask. You only blinked twice before you were lulled to sleep, the echoing of Chisaki's words gradually guiding you there...

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